Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Beth, don’t let Mac hear you say that!  He’s trying his best xx



It’s true lesley! !! They take dogs in hospitals for a reason :relaxed:

How can anyone have a dog phobia?  Now a spider phobia like me is understandable, they’re horrid.  When my mum was in her last weeks in a hospice we took my sisters dog at the time, a standard poodle and my dog Myrtle in to visit her (Got special permission) Not only did it bring great joy to my mum, but to see to smiles on all the other patients faces was wonderful, we were all in tears.  It was as if the dogs knew where they were and why and went from bed to bed letting everyone pet them.  My Myrtle who normally was a bundle of energy and bounding all over the place was so still and patient, very moving xx

Oh Lesley that is so lovely. Animals do make people feel better. When I was having rads, there was a therapy dog that came in each week and went around everyone. He was lovely too and did brighten up the day. Although must say Mac is doing my head in this weekend as he’s sulking that his dad isn’t here. Won’t eat his food or settle down at all grrrr. Thank god hubby is back tomorrow evening. 


Just checked the weather forecast here and we may get snow overnight. Hope not!!!


so, what to watch on tv tonight then? Think it may have to be Taboo - is it one ‘b’ or two?


Ahh Found it its 4597 ?
Hello lily, my colds not to bad it’s the runny nose that’s annoying at the moment. We used to belong to English H when the children were little as they did great kids days out.
We’re getting a therapy pony coming to our school soon <3. He’s tiny the kids will love him.

Helloooo Lusciously Lovelies,

Not even begun to catch you up - jeeps where to start from. First things first, need to get dressed, as have had slutty day and not got dressed - totally exhausted. But have just discovered my wine cellar’s dry, so am have to go get dressed, drive down to Sue’s and raid hers. Naaa, had enough of long journey’s, for a while anyway, will pop down to see my friends Ali and Zaffar - I get a hug from them at the same time, at least they still  love me,  as Sue’s fallen out with me. Sniffle, poor li’l Dellypoos  :smileysad:

Need to glug something for Dutch courage to get to grips with your Zillions of unread posts - gulp. 

But before I do:-

Have just discovered I’ve spent 103774 mins on this Forum 


-:- by 60 = 1729.566 hrs  -:- by 24 = 72 days  -:- 7 THAT’S ** 10 WHOLE SOLID ** WEEKS !!   S’no wonder I get nowt done, is it? !!

See y’ALL soon   ish  xxxxxxxxx


Forgot, mustn’t  leave Daisy dog out or she will sulk xx

Oooo-'eck, sooo sorry. Popped down to said shop and, cos I’d not been in for while, all concerned about me. Got asked to stay for an authentic Indian supper - so I said “Corr, Yes, that’d be lovely”. Was welcomed into their bosom, well fussed over. Awwwhey’re soo lovely and I was so touched by their care and concern, having known I’ve been ill and also not so right in the HEAD dept. So, I’m fickle and neglected my promise to be back soon. Hecky, got some grovelling and making up to do, never mind catching up.Didn’t even come back with any wine ha ha!! Am having some of my other “drug” and put some good tunes on instead, to help me focus.

Charys, Helena, and Ann, thanks for your emails, have only just read. Sorry, I’ve had you worried you’ve been concerned for me having “Gone Missing” and thank you so much for your concern lovely girlies.

Quite to the contrary - I came back very refreshed from my, I discovered, much needed break away and have been bashing away at a few much needed jobs. Went through two nights Wed,Thursdaywithout bed and sleep - mad, but such is the nature of my head. Am not going to go into details right now, because often my long late night posts, espesh if the last posts on the page, have been swallowed up in the early day thread throng.


I keep having “weird” things happening at the mo’, and i’m a bit “sensitive” to all this stuff I’m afraid. I shouldn’t be, because I have a scientific, analytical, thinking mind, but always have been “open” to anything “ethereal”, not of this world. Thosethings inexplicable, too much of a coincidence to be just co-incidence. I’ll give you an prime, recent example of the last couple of days.

After my looong appointment/assessment Thursday, I decided to treat myself to some lunch out, as I was starving.My fave Italian restaurant in Macc is Fina - consistently good, plus all the staff know me so I’m comfortable going in to eat on my own early doors, or as in this case lunch time. Have my phone and usually something to read, but invariably get chatting to “someone”, being a very communicative and sociable creature (when I’m in a more “Up” state, that is), as well as having a love for and a fascination of people, fullstop. Got chatting to a very lovely woman, who out having lunch with her elderly male boss, who I also chatted to. She mentioned somewhere to me in Macc, and I said I’m a relative “newbie”, so don’t yet know many road names, places. With which she told me there was a literary writing group that meets every Thursday 2.00 p.m in the library across the road from the restaurant. And I should go!! and that her daughter attends - This woman, Judy, didn’t know anything about me, yet for some reason, she’s telling me, talking of writing group, without ever knowing I was interested to. Why was that then?? What was THAT all about?? That’s just ONE of many in the last few months. All very “weird”. 


Am just going to have a read of you, before I go to bed for a few hours. I’m hoping you’re all okay. Helena’s finished her rads so a belated dingalingaling from me. Need to see who needs tomorrows hug. Byeee for now, and again, sorry I had some of you worried by my absence.

Byeee for now


Lots of lovey-doveys

Dellypoos xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 


Oh, and I’d have gone to that writing group, that same day, had it not been that somewhere in my shop circuit, I’d put my magazine down to look at something with both hands, along with next weeks appointment for psychiatrist and prescription. Still don’t know where it’s gone, such is my cotton wool head. Shall have to phone uop for anothjer.


Morning lovelies,
I’m sorry Charys it was probably me that shared my germs with you, mind you I probably got it from Janey.
Hope you all have a fab day I’m having chill out day today as I’m feeling rubbish
Lots of love and hugs xxxx

What a coincidence about the writing group, Delly, it is amazing how chance encounters can be so illuminating.
Anyway everyone, have a lovely Sunday, after a few beautiful cold clear days, its very foggy here today.
Will have a lazy day, today, I think.
ann xxx

23600 minutes!!! I think that was all done last night when we came back trying to read through all the posts!
Helena you would have been proud of me. It was other half’s badminton Christmas do (our reconstituted brood think it very funny that he plays because of the Inbetweeners’ Dad!). Anyway, skittles after the meal and I managed to knock them down!
Sorry I passed on my bugs you lovely lot, especially when you have work to contend with. I hope today a lovely healing day with toddies and lemsip. We are going for a walk and then hopefully a pub lunch. Glad to have a day off to get ready for week 2 of phased return. Helena, the fatigue course is funded by our local cancer charity and run at a few gyms across the county. When I got there, however, it takes place as part of the GP referral programme slot. The trainer has additional training and supervision around supporting people with physical and mental health needs, so tailors each session for each of us. Hugs to all I am being called for! Xxx

Oh Janey, The Inbetweeners, i love it!  My young team at work got me into watching it when it was first on.  One day at work I got into serious trouble by using a word that I’d picked up from watching it in the office.  My youngsters found it hilarious but I got called into a side office by the big boss and reprimanded. I explained that I didn’t really know what it meant and hadn’t realised that it was that offensive (honestly). When she red faced told what what the word actually meant I was stunned, then started laughing while trying to apologise.  We both ended up laughing with me promising never to use that language in  the office again.  I have never used it since, in or out of the office xx

Afternoon everyone 

looks like it’s been quiet on here today. Guess that’s a good thing as everyone tries to adopt some kind of normal after treatment finishes. One by one we are getting there. 

Just back from watching my niece play rugby. They won in some style …52-0!!! I was a very good auntie and resisted the urge to scream “GET OFF MY NIECE” when someone tackled her. I think she would have banned me from any future sporting events!! I must admit, playing rugby at the age of 14 never entered my head at that age!

homemade quiche in the oven so hubby can have a snack when he gets home. I can see his flight has landed so a few hours drive and he’ll be here. Can’t wait to see him as I’ve missed him terribly. 


And then it’s D day tomorrow!!! Got my handbag ready. Just got to iron a top and I’m ready. Well ready would be a stretch but as we all know, tomorrow will always come regardless how ready we are! 

Back to the rat race it is!!! ???

Hi Beth
Your a fab Auntie and I bet she wouldn’t mind you shouting. What a win :smiley:
I’m having a chill out day as I’m feeling urgh with this cold. The roast is on and we’ve watched a film.
I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow my lovely, just take it easy xxxxx

Yes Lesley I’m intrigued about the ‘word’
Janey no we’ve never been but it looks.really nice I’ll have to have a look.
I’m in work til 2 next week and there’s an inset day on Friday.
I’ve also got my first online counselling appointment on Thursday morning so fingers crossed I can get old faithful up.and running the link works. Love to you all I’m off to watch country file jurassic coast :wink: xxxx

Well good morning all. I had my first summer swim yesterday! It was sooooo lovely. I got a 50+ sun protection top and waited until later in the day and did it. Felt beautiful ? Last week at work there were a few hiccups as some people don’t like that me (and another) have gone part time. The best thing about my cancer experience? I really can’t care too much what they think. I can minimise disruptions, share info and communicate the hell out of everything but I can’t control or care about their opinion. Full time isn’t and won’t be an option for me for a while. I’ve accepted that and they need to. Big girl words now I just have to back them in an hour haha.
I think I need to know ‘the word’ … So sunny here today. Husband going down south for three days to patrol a beach and sleep in the surf club. Xxx

Oh and there is an eight week free recovery course here. There is exercise, pool exercise too, relaxation, guest speakers etc which sounds like a gentle confidence building program but the timing is bad. Midday-2pm on a Tuesday. I work Tuesday but could have managed it but there is less that three hours on either side so can’t start late or finish early. I sent an email suggesting a more work friendly time but not hopeful. They don’t realise that for those working the last five months or sobhave already stretched the limits with work/treatment balance. Oh well …


For heaven’s sake, what kind of person resents a cancer patient needing to work part time for a while???!!

I’m glad you’re able to be so robust about it, when your self confidence has taken a dent it would be easy to be really ground down by something like that.


Janey, six months of emails? Probably half are either saying someone has left cakes in the kitchen for their birthday or has left their car lights on. But it is daunting to tackle, I remember it from returning from maternity leave. So I hope your half day goes well.


Beth, hopefully the hubby is safely home now. And I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow for the return to work, I hope you’re not too nervous about it.


Clair, hope the cold is better, there seem to have been some real stinkers around this winter, both real and virtual.


Delly, it’s lovely to hear from you again, you know we worry when we don’t hear from you, take pity on us.


Charys, hope your training day goes well tomorrow, is this linked to the interview you told us about an couple of weeks ago?


Lesley, Lily, Rubycat,Helena, Moijan, Sue, Ann, Marydan and everyone else I’ve probably forgotten, hope you all sleep well and have a good day tomorrow.

Thanks ? So far so good. I’m keeping my head down and doing me work. Post rads did get more tired but my skin did start to improve and two and a half weeks on is nearly normalish. Xx