prophylactic mastectomy

Hi there i had a prophylactic mx done in april this year my left breast was removed in march last year due to cancer i to was large on top a 40J and felt very very self concious after the 1st breast was removed, i hate getting up in the morning and lookin at myself in any mirror i felt odd, weird and deformed and a host of other feelings i cant describe. i got very depressed i had enough to cope with via treatment etc and this made my life harder. i wanted to feel normal, i hated wearing the bra fillers. i descussed how i felt with my sergion who was incredabley understanding. i have always been big on top and always hated that to having people stare and make sexual comments. i had the usual councilling befoer it was agreed to do the prophlactic sugery. do i regret having it done…nooo way i feel “normal” in myself i can just chuck a t-shirt on or if i want to dress up a can use the bra fillers lol i can be any size i want or wear nothing at all it for me was a great releif. its not for every one and should be thourght threw but for me i am so much happier in myself now. i can if i wish have reconstruction done but for now i am just so happy with the way i look and feel

Reddragon - love the cat!
I was similar to you in that I was a 38 G prior to surgery. it wasn’t the main reason I had the prophylactic mastectomy done on the other side but interestingly as I was about to go into theatre, my surgeon said he thought I would have found it difficult to manage with one very large breast. The weight of a prosthesis for a very large breast was a surprise too.
I’m not going for a reconstruction and have gone for B cup prostheses.