Prophylactic oophorectomy

our unit doesnt do oophorectomy as breast cancer treatment anymore… this is an old fashioned and non evidence based treatment.

its pretty radical to go down the route of having your ovaries out as a treatment which could cause lifelong complications and problems… i think if i were in your situation id be inclined to go down the route of zoladex which is reversible at the end of the treatment period.

i had my ovaries removed due to the high risk of ovarian cancer i had as a brca 2 gene carrier… it was never an option as a breast cancer treatment.

even if you wish to go down the route of BSO the zoladex may be a good first step to see how you will cope with symptoms… after your ovaries are out the can never go back in again.

Lulu x

hi lilli i had 3mths of zoladex injections and then bilaterial oophorectomy . i dont have to go for injections anymore and know weve cut of supply of oestrogen to any remaining cancer cells. op was easy a day case. if anything i have less hot flushes than when on zoladex although they are slightly hotter than before.

Hi, I am having ooph in January after 2 bouts of breast cancer and I am only 42. Also having hysterectomy at same time. The gynae surgeon supports the breast surgeons referral as my grade 3 tumour was strongly ER+++. My onc however says in his opinion it is not necessary as treatment for breast cancer however both breast and gynae surgeon say that because of type of cancer they would recommend it and sooner rather than later. Also, because of the link between breast and ovarian cancer I fear that after losing both breasts to cancer the risk of developnig womb or ovarian cancer is too great and this will reduce my chances of developing ov ca by 90% and womb ca by 100%, an increased risk of womb cancer whilst on hormone therapy was enough to convince me!!That said the onc does support the surgery as likely to increase my chances of survival. My rationale?? Fewer body body parts means less chance of them being affected by cancer!!

Hi all
I am currently on zoladex and arimidex. My onc has suggested that I have my ovaries removed which I am definitely going for. The monthly injections are a horrible reminder each month and it would be nice to stop them.
He didn’t mention a hysterectomy. Should I be questioning this? I tend to agree with you, daffodil, that fewer body parts means less parts that cancer can target.

Hi ratyspan, re the hysterectomy my gynae said may aswell have it at the same tme, reduces the risk of womb cancer by 100% also wont need to be on tamoxifen for the full 5 years, will be on arimadex instead. Op for hysterectomy not as problematic as ooph but has own risks and se’s. My view is no need for womb without ovaries so makes perfect sense to get rid of it at same time, they may have been planning that for you anyway. Rachel

Hi daffodil3969
Can I ask you a question please? Is the fact that you’ll have a hystorectomy+oophorectomy [rather than ooph only] linked to the decision to move onto an aromatise inhibitor before your 5y of TAM are up? What’s been your advice from ONC? Mine has said to stay on TAM for the moment, but can switch to AI at a later stage. I am wondering what the optimum combination is - if there is such a thing!
I had an oophorectomy just over 2 weeks ago and it was a straightforward keyhole procedure. The gynea did talk about a hystorectomy but I declined, as it’s a bigger procedure. It may be right for others but for me, I did it purely to shut down my oestrogen factory. No guarantees for the future, yet I feel it was the right thing to do for my personal circumstances.
Regards, NIM