Proverb Punchline Game

New Game - for some of the most witty women I know

Type in a well known (or not so well known) proverb
…but add another line that either improves the saying or distracts from it.

I will start.

Two many cooks spoil the broth.
But at least you won’t go hungry.

A women’s work is never done
And done mine never is!

a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush

unless there’s a cat in it!

Don’t have too many irons in the fire

unless someone else is ironing for you!

don’t go to bed on an argument

knock each other out first

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
but is he is rich, who cares if he’s dull!

Live and let live
Especially if you’ve had BC

When the cats away
who can you blame for the smell?

better the devil you know
till you meet a better angel

faint heart never won fair lady

its not your heart she is bothered about!

the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach
if you wanna clog his arteries, make sure he’s insured!

A watched pot never boils.
Until it does.

if you can’t stand the heat stay out of the kitchen
unless you are having salad

One swallow doesn’t make a summer…

…but it can be the start of an eating binge.

ne’er cast a cloot til may be oot
unless you have a man to keep you warm!

Still waters run deep.
So that’s a good place to hide the body.

people in glasshouses
should invest in curtains

say something nice or nothing at all.

Yeah, right

Good fences make good neighbors.
But you still wish their stupid dogs would shut up.

If a job’s worth doing properly
get a woman to do it!