Thanks Janey,
Not sure about my BCN, as she always gave me the impression that my many questions were an overreaction as I had high grade DCIS and not invasive cancer. I was told by her over and over, “This really isn’t anything to worry about”, but I was worried. And I had questions as I’d never heard of DCIS before. I got more questions answered by the BC nurses on the BCC helpline.
I’ll see how I get on today and if it’s the same female that it’s been the last couple of days, I’ll maybe try to say something. I feel like I’m admitting pathetic weakness though.
Getting some help for it so yes, that might be another avenue.
Thanks Janey!
Very very definitely not pathetic weakness and such a pity you have struggled with BC nurse’s support. I’m glad you’re getting support elsewhere and hopefully someone who understands what you’ve gone through and why you may respond to different triggers. Do keep checking in here and I hope today a better day at rads. X
Hi Eli,I found the sessions made me feel very vulnerable and exposed too particularly when everyone left the room and I was all alone with the machine and I haven’t had the experiences you have had .Dont worry about "being a problem patient " ask to have a word with one of the radiographers you feel comfortable with and explain how you feel and see what they can do.You will not be the only one to struggle with how the sessions make you feel.I have anxiety attacks and the feeling of being trapped was what I really struggled with.GP gave me some Valium to use just before sessions which did help ,also taking total ******* to the radiographers whilst they were setting me up ,they must of thought I was unhinged !!’ They do get quicker at setting you up in right position after the first few sessions so hopefully that should help also.Jill
Robin thank you for your comments and advice and thank you to everyone for sharing their experiences. I start my sessions next wed and my biggest worry is how will it affect me?
I know that i will just have to wait and see.
My BCN was very different about my high grade DCIS. She made me aware of all the possible outcomes after ops etc. She was very thorough, very honest and very reassuring. Anyone being treated at Aintree, Liverpool?
Jas58 so glad you have finished your treatment and coped well…well done! I am 4 days away from starting mine and feeling nervous. Last night I was convincing myself not to have it, however my hubby quickly dispelled that notion. Enjoy some rest now Jas xx
Thanks Beth and Charls. You have reassured me.
I am being positive, preparing what I can and wrapping presents. I am just going to take it easy this year, have my treatment and if need be we’ll all stay in PJ’S!! The kids quite like the idea of this actually as I am usually a get up and get dressed mum!! Hope you’re treatment goes ok Beth and you feel a bit better xxx
Thank you Lily for your reassurance. I have stocked up on aqueous cream as I have used this since my ops. I will ask if this is OK to continue using x
My first treatment was in a big room with two men. I lay face down with a cutaway area on the bed where my boob hangs (to protect lung and chest wall as I’m only an A cup size. I did feel very vulnerable when I took the gown off and had a little cry during treatment. Later I mentioned it to my BCN and the social worker and they completely understood. I felt that the first time was scary and two females would have made it a bit more comfortable. During 20 treatments I only had two men one other time, the rest being either two women or one of each. I also felt a lot more relaxed after the first couple. I found closing my eyes and listening to music removed me too. Having said that though the whole team were wonderful, caring and supportive.