While drying my hair on holiday I noticed what looked like a puckering of the skin on my right breast. I have not noticed it before, so not sure how long it’s been there. Hubby confirmed he can see it to… Phoned our local breast unit (registered charity) and luckly got an emergency appointment for a mammogram, defintely quicker than going to the GP. The BCN said she could see the puckering, which was also more noticeable when I lay down, but she could not feel any lump - I have ‘lumpy’ breasts anyway as a result of 3 kids in quick succcession, so if there is one I would struggle to have found it anyway!! Downside is that I have to wait up to 3 weeks to get any results, as our local hospital doctor only goes into the clinic once a week. She said puckering was almost certainly caused by aging process. I googled it when I got home and am now worrying myself silly. I’m 45 years old and had a full hysterctomy at 31st years old, and my Mum died of undiagnosed ‘lung’ cancer aged 65 (they are not sure where it started from) and her Mum died at 54 of breast cancer. I also have a cousin on my Mum’s side diagnosed with BC aged 52 lasy year… It has now been 7 days since my mammogram, and I am hoping no news is good news. Should I be worried?