Query radioactive dye

I wonder if anyone out there can help me with this query. I am due to have the radioactive dye for SNB when I have my WLE. My daughter wants to visit me after the op, she is 7 months pregnant. Is there any restriction as I will still be slightly radioactive and if so what is the time scale before she could visit?
Thanks for any help.


when I had my dye injected, they never said I should keep away from anyone after the operation. I was in and out in one day. chris x

it might be worth ringing to ask as hospitals differ. I had the nuclear part put in my vein the day before my op and had to go back the same day and be checked that it was showing on the scanners as this takes some time. Then the next morning I was admitted for the op and they put the dye directly into the tumour while I was under anaesthetic as they said it stings. I woke with a very blue face,blue boob and blue blood coming out my drain! So I was radioactive the day before and no-one in the operating room could come near me and all had to be warned in case pregnant so I had to wear a warning band for a couple of days. Although I believe it is the early stages of pregnancy they worry about most. I was one of the first people having it in our area so this may well have changed but it was 2 days for me and I had to avoid contact with children under 5 and anyone pregnant.
Lots of luck with your treatment and I hope it goes a swell as possible for you
Lily x

hi when i had it dont last yr, i did not have to take any special precautions…i think its only a very small ammount they inject, and when they remove the sentinal and surrounding nodes they take away all the radioactive material… dont worry … but your wee is blue and so are your tears … i couldent flush untill everyone in the house had looked how sad is that xx angie

hi, perhaps lily had a different proceedure, mine was done a few hours before the op, but they injected a tiny bit into the nipple and you could see it working its way up to the node on the screene as i laid there. In all the literature and advice no-one ever said anything about it being a danger to others, but it does no harm to ask your breast nurse

Hi, I was definitely told both times I was radio active ( SNB and bone scan ) that if I had young children I should not hug them or have them on my lap …I imagine that goes for pregnant women too

Hi Sunshine 1

To be on the safe side I would suggest that you give your medical team a ring.

Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

Hi may be late posting but when I had it done was told no risk as they removing radioactive stuff in procedure it’s used to track and trace then it’s removed, but the radioactivity is less than a standard xray or ct scan so very min dosage, hope all ok xx