radio starting in 4 weeks, any advice please

You can wash with the aqueous cream or just rub it in as a moisturiser. Some hospitals hand out the cream but some don’t. Buy it in any pharmacy, it’s around £5 for a 500g tub, which should see you all the way through treatment and a fair while afterwards.

Start using it before you start rads so your skin is in the best possible condition.

I found the aloe vera was best as a soothing gel when my boob was a bit warm and pink, rather than as a moisturiser.

Sarah x

Hi guys! I just wanted to add that I have tried the e45 (and it caused a rash cause I am allergic to wool on my skin and e45 has lanolin in it) and I have tried aqueous too. But the aqueous just seemed to sit on top of the skin and not soak in. My skin was still quite dry underneath it. So I am trying a new cream (something begining with b, but I have forgotten the name). Initial trial applications have been really good. My skin is really moisturised now and looks so much more improved. I will let you know after a week of use (and will get my act together to get the name of it too). Take care. Lone xxx

Thank you all for the advice got my pre app tomorrow, im feeling a bit nervous & feel bit silly really as its a breeze compared to SA of chemo, think its the worry of the hardning & shrinkage worrying me mainly. I have been applying Aloe Vera gel this past week I think this hospital does supply the cream from what I can gather from others who have had rads there, but that wasn’t recently so might have changed.

Thanks again
Mekala X

I finally remembered the name of that cream - Balneum. It is lovely and really moisturizes the skin and doesn’t take long to soak in. My skin feels lovely using it.

I finally remembered the name of that cream - Balneum. It is lovely and really moisturizes the skin and doesn’t take long to soak in. My skin feels lovely using it.

Hi All

Re amount of rads- I’m having 50 grays in 25 fractions ie 2 grays every session five days a week for five weeks. Then I’m having another 13.25 grays as a booster over five days. Six weeks in total.

I read the Wikipedia article about radiotherapy before I went for my planning session… I know Wikipedia is not always 100% accurate but at least it gave me an understanding so that I was able to quiz the radiotherapist with a modicum of intelligence. I’m definitely having the IMRT that Sarah mentioned- my RT therapist said pretty much everyone does these days.

I reach the halfway mark tomorrow and so far so good. If I didn’t know I was having radiotherapy I wouldn’t know – if you know what I mean. (The knows have it!)
I’m using aqueous to wash the area and Aloe Vera Gel and E45 Lotion (it’s the E45 Cream that has the lanolin) to moisturize. I’m also doing lots of arm/shoulder exercises to keep everything pain free and mobile. Not going to count my chickens until three weeks post treatment but I’m hoping!

Good Luck with Rads everybody- Diana

Sorry posted this on the wrong thread tried to delete it but it didn’t work.

Hi all

I’m just coming up to 3 weeks post rads (16 in total) and I can concur with everything that’s been said about looking after your skin in advance as well as during and after. I’ve ended up with quite a nasty skin reaction and was sent home with some gel squares to apply to the area (sorry can’t remember what they’re called but I’ll check and post the name). I was told to keep them in the fridge and apply whenever I felt I needed an extra boost of ‘coolness’ and they do help. The radiographers suggested that I use aloe vera gel during the day to soothe the skin - I’m using Holland & Barratt’s own brand as it’s 99.9% aloe vera and it is helping. I was also told to wash either with simple/baby soap or use the aqueous cream and to put on a barrier of aqueous at bed time.

I’m only wearing cotton camisoles at the moment as any more pressure just seems to make it all a bit inflamed.

When summer finally arrives (or did I blink and miss it?? :D) I was told to be really careful about using a high factor sun cream even if I have a t-shirt on. Better to be safe than sorry I guess!

Oh and one more thing - antiperspirant shouldn’t be used on your treatment side during rads. Some hospitals are happy for you to use a natural deodorant (like Pitrock) but at Exeter they didn’t want us to use anything at all. This is because some of the ingredients in antiperspirants can interfere with the effectiveness of the rads.

I hope all the treatment goes well!

Nymeria x

PS Don’t do what I did. . . I fell down a flight of stairs and broke 4 ribs on my treatment side 3 days before rads started and honestly, I really don’t recommend mixing the two!!! :smiley:

hi all
just to remind you that with the diagnosis of cancer comes free prescriptions . simply collect the form from gp [they have to stamp and sign]
you get the cream you require on prescription.

Hi everybody

Today Number 9 radiotherapy treatment for me!! It is passing so quickly and really, it is OK. So far, I suppose I am lucky, I have had minimal reaction. A little bit sore under my arm and a little redness but nothing else. Only another 7 after today, then celebrate!!! Keep using the aqueous cream they give you 3 times a day, and nothing else. Use Simple (the brand) soap, and shower gel. No deodorant, perfumes or anything above your waistline. I have a great team treating me at the Nottingham City Hospital, they are so nice and kind, in fact I will miss them when it finishes. chris xx

Good point about prescriptions enaid46! I often forget about this as I get mine free anyway because I have epilepsy. Prescriptions are expensive and it’s so easy to organise the exemption certificate, just ask your GP, pharmacist or BCN about it.

Edited to add:

The gel squares I was given are called Geliperm. I have one on at the moment and it’s really helping.

Morning all
thanks for the tip about getting aqueous on prescription, I have just seen my gp and he gave me one so thats great. Chrissy thats fab you only have 7 more rads to go, I just want to get started and finished now have my plannning appt on Friday. I know what you mean about missing the staff at the hospital, they all do a fantastic job and I cant thank enough the staff at QA Portmsouth where I go. Will get some simple soap tomorrow. Thanks for all the tips everyone xxx

Forgot to mention that you “might” feel a little tired and exhausted some days, nothing that a lie down wont cure though, but, in my opinion, eating well and also eating the right foods does help. You cant expect to stuff your face with cakes, chocolates etc. and feel energised, you have to eat the correct foods. I found this link which may be helpful. Try to eat “good” carbohydrates for energy and lots of green vegetables, and of course drink lots of fluid. chris x

G’day all, Just noticed nessp is going to QA as well for the rads. I have 14 rads left. My appointments are usually between 10 and 11, but I am going in at 12 tomorrow. Let me know if your appts are around then and maybe we can meet up? Lone X

Thanks for your reply Crazycatlady.
I’ve only just found it.


Hi, I was just wondering whether any of you ladies had had rads and chemo at the same time?? I have been offered the chance to have rads between cycles 6 and 7 of 8 cycles overall. I have said yes but now realise that this falls in the long school break and I have 3 boys aged 2, 7 and 8 and wonder whether i will manage with them being off school. Any thoughts please? Rachel

Geliperm are fab and you can rehydrate them with saline and pop them back in the fridge. Aloe vara from Holland & Barret worked for me - 25 rads and not a blister. No perfumed soap, no deodorant, no rubbing the area with a towel after a shower. I was told E45 was a no no because of the lanolin. Aqeous cream was best used in the shower as I found rubbing it in was probably counterproductive.

Bumping for Saphy

hi, i had 4 weeks of radio. drove myself to hospital everyday (15 miles) week 5 now skin is peeling but not sore. im feeling tired and depressed but it my be that im on my own and have lots of time on my hands. am looking to go back to work on the 18th july. x hope you feeling ok x

Hi everyone, well first radio today, couldnt beleive how quick it was, only 18 to go! Will be slappingon the aqeous cream later. Will be going back to work in September after 9 months off x hope everyone is doing ok xx