radioactive test on heart before chemo

Hi everyone. I have my first chemo on wednesday Dec 10th but have to go for some radio active test on my heart on Monday. Has anyone else had this and what does it entail. I have a leaflet but it only says a small quantity of radioactuvity will be injected into a vein and then there is a waiting time which varies from minutes to hours

Just wondering how long i am going to be at hospital.

Then Tuesday I have the look around and explanation at chemo ward and then the big day on Wednesday.


Wish me luck and good look and hugs to all going through this nigtmare !


Dee xx


Good Luck Dee hope al goes well and you don’t have to wait around for long.I have my first oncologist appointment on Monday I presume I will have to have the same as having Herseptin at the end of my chemo
I just want all these tests done so we can get on with the attack
Elaine x

Hi Dee
They have said I have to have a heart scan but said it was like an ECG, no mention of any dye!
I feel as though I have been ‘dyed’ so many times, nodes, CT, bones, MRI…with the bone scan you have an injection then go back 3-4 hours later but that I think is to give the bones time to soak up the radioactive dye.
Good luck on Wednesday, that is the day my Portocath is being fitted with my chemo on Thursday.
What are you having? Mine is EC.
Good luck with your treatment.
Maggie x

Had my heart scan on Friday. Was really nervous but it’s completely fine. Quick injection in the arm, then 30 min wait (we nipped off for a hot chocolate) then back for second injection & scan, was a big donut scanner not enclosed like the MRI. I made the staff laugh coz I asked if it was safe to have sex afterwards or would my partner get radioactive private parts! Happily she said he would be fine!! Felt slightly 'weird ’ the rest of the day but don’t know if that was more physicological than anything else. You’ll be fine. Best of luck with your treatment. xx

Mintymoo - thank you that all sounds completely do able and my huband laughed when i read out your comment !!


Elaine - I know it was  the waiting I found worst but now I have a plan in place ii feels like i am getting somewhere


Maggie - good luck for Wednesday and Thursday. Please let me know how you get on with the chemo.I am having FEC x 3 sessions and then another MRI to check if it is shrinking.Then another x 3


Love and hugs to everyone

