Hi again JulieD,
When I said that it has been used for prostate cancer I did mean to say secondary cancer in the bones from prostate. Didn’t want to cause any confusion.B.xx
Hi Beatrice,
I will ask my friend how she gets on if she decides to have it and will let you know.In the mean time take care of yourself and let us know how it all goes, I hope the 3 weekis pass quickly and well for you.
Julie x
Hi again,
Saw consultant again on Tuesday and I think we are both pleased with the painrelief from the Samarium(radioisotope) treatment; I am in a lot less pain and the improvement could go on for another 1-2wks, he said.I will still need added painrelief to live normally and have started low dose Zormorph twice daily so waiting for that to kick in. But for someone who was completely crippled with pain this is all a huge imrovement and I would recommend the treatment to others with wide spread bone mets.With regards Beatrice.x
Hi Beatrice,
Thanks for letting us know how you are getting on. I am so very pleased that the treatment has helped with the pain and I hope it helps even more over the next couple of weeks it must make a big difference and I hope it lasts a good while.
My friend hasn’t had her strontium treatment yet, they seem to be taking their time with blood tests/scans etc. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Best wishes Julie x