Radiotherapy and PANIC

Hi everyone just catching up with posts. My daughter ran in the race for life today in Gloucester.i found the whole thing very moving and ended up in tears!. Watching all those women and girls with their personal messages on their backs and running to raise money was some sight!.
Catzoo don’t worry your reaction to your first treatment was the same as mine. Getting on that machine really reminds you that you have cancer. I had a panicky time and thought I would not be able to stay on the table but just closed my eyes and listened to the music I had tears rolling down my cheeks and I could not move. Not sure anyone noticed but once I got into my car I was in floods as I was when I got home!. Each stage seemed to effect me the same but as you say it gets easier as each treatment goes by.
Susanmary hope you are OK tomorrow. Just try and think positive as each stage of treatment is getting rid of those b----y cancer cells!. The radiographers are very helpful generally it seems from everyone’s blogs.
I have mentioned before about just wearing a vest top as it is easy to slide down rather than stripping off in front of the radiographers. My treatment centre did not use gowns or modesty tops just covered me with paper once they had finished measuring me . They take a few minutes doing that and the leave you whilst the treatment is done but they are watching you from just outside. I used to slide my vest down just as I got to the table and it made me more comfortable about the whole thing. Take care will be thinking about you .Katy.

Well, session one done and dusted and like others I came home and cried buckets. it didn’t hurt whilst being done but during the evening I had very odd sensations in my breast which caused me to have a wobble. My onc told me to put my e45 cream in the fridge as it would be cold relief when I need it, sounds like a good tip! I’m a runner and hoping to continue as much as I can as its the one thing I feel in charge of!!
anybody else feel anything after first treatment like a burning ache???!

Twizzie3 I had really bad burning feeling after my first and every session. I also had what felt like pinball going on inside my breast which was not good. I was told by one person to put my cream in the fridge but she was quickly interupted by another saying never to do that. I just use it from the bathroom and never put it in the fridge. Thought I was doing well but this week my skin has broke down. Get my last one today so will see what they say. I was advised to keep my bra off and use a cotton hanky underneath by breast to keep any moisture from building up. I do have quite large breast which is one of the problems but you being a runner that might help save your skin. I haven’t felt very tired with it but have been told that will happen afterwards.

I should have had my first session today of 25, but unfortunately the machine had a technical problem so didn’t make it. Start tomorrow. But I don’t think you’re a wimp at all, I too have been really feeling scared about the machine and being left with it. Until I thought, it’s my best friend and it’s going finish kicking cancer’s arse for me. Once I started to feel like that, I can’t wait to start. I’ve had chemo, an mastectomy (radical and non skin sparing) and if I can do those, I can get through this. It is only 12 minutes on the machine on my own. And I had to lie there for enearly 35 while they adjusted the machine and made their calculations. That’s what I feel and I think you’ll get through this too. so fhin up and Fight like a Girl xxx Pat

Hi all, I have just finished 4 weeks of rads - 20 treatments in all. It has been a long haul but managed to drive myself there and back every day (25 mins each way) and deal with finding new routes several times due to different lots of road closures for roadworks. How thoughtful of the council to do it then!!??
So, now my boob appears to be severly sunburnt, my nipple itches like mad and I am suffering with fatigue as I have done since about day 3.
I have been putting the aqueous cream on regularly and have been keeping it in the fridge which helps. I only heard about the aloe vera on my last day and I keep that in the fridge too.
I shall get some kmillosan - thanks for the tip! I was wondering about putting cabbage leaves in my bra as I did when breastfeeding…any ideas? However, I have started going bra-less so no way of securing the leaves without a bra!!
I have been told not to swim in either the sea or chlorinated water for at least 6 weeks after treatment, not to put suncream anywhere near the burn and to stay out of the sun.
Well done to all of you who have completed their treatments and good luck, chin up to those of you still going through it.
A xxx

Well done to you as well Andie!. Sounds like you have picked up all the tips from the other ladies on this site!. It is a relief getting it over with and not having to do that journey everyday through all the traffic. I got really tired towards the end and had until the last three treatments driven myself, but my hubby took time off to drive me as worried it was busy commuter traffic ( he has a great employer, totally supportive, we are very lucky).
The cabbage leaves made me giggle! . Best wishes to you all , keep going !. Katy.