Re: ESA Query


I’ve just received an email from my employer saying I go on half pay in May/June time roughly but they have mentioned that I will qualify for Employment Support Allowance. I’ve looked on the internet but can’t find anything to say how its calculated and what payments are given.

Does anyone have any experience of this?



Hey Krissy

I’m still technically on full pay, but have to claim ESA as my employer can no longer pay me the SSP element of my salary.

You’ll find more info on ESA here (hope the link works!)-

Your employer will have to give you a form, but you apply on the telephone & send the paperwork away once your claim is being processed.

Hope this helps


Hiya Hayz

Cheers for that. The link worked.

Much appreciated.

Krissy x

Hi Krissy

I was made redundant end of Dec, I have since been getting ESA. For the first thirteen weeks I got £128 every fortnightly, I now get £165 every fortnightly - not much but better than nothing.

I did my form online and then a few days later they rang me for a telephone interview, few weeks later another thick form arrived for me to fill! My money was back dated though.

They do take savings into account, has to be under a certain amount for you to qualify. This will be one of the questions they ask when they ring you for a telephone interview.

Hope this helps



There are 2 types of ESA that you can apply for, one is means tested and one is not. The one that isn’t pays out if you have paid in enough NI contributions.

Best of luck


Hi Jayney and Aqua

Thanks very much for your info. I’ve worked full time since I was 18 and thats 23 years :-(( so hopefully I should be okay with the n.i. contributions.

Cheers again

Krissy xx

Thanks also for the info.
Vicky’s company have just finished paying her and SSP has also stopped so I’ll be making a call this afternoon to get her ESA application underway.
