Hi everyone that has contacted me… Sadly i am positive to cancer. Have to have surgery radiotherapy chemotherapy and tomoxifen so alot to face. It is in my lymph as well so all that will be coming out. Still trying to get my head round it all at the moment. Could have surgery as early as thurs waiting for confirmation of that… Thankyou for all your support love Sharon xxxxxxx
Awww sharon im really sorry to hear that hunny… You know we are all here for you xxxx
Hi Sharon so sorry to hear your news, you don’t say whether you are having a WLE or MX.
I had WLE and lymph nodes out 6 weeks ago and started my chemo last Thurs. Would prefer not to be going through it just like everyone but pleased with the way it has all gone so far.
Keep your chin up and don’t forget to sign on to rant and rave, you will get so much support on here.
Big hug for you ((((HUG))))
Jean xx
Sharon I am do sorry you have to join us all here on the forums - but you will find it a superb support. Have you contacted the helpline at Breast Cancer Care? You might not feel like doing so now but if you have any queries re your condition, treatment, or need support they are there from Mon- Fri. 9am-5pm ans Sat-9-2pm. Tel. 0808 800 6000 They can send you any of the publications, including the pack “Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer”, arrange Peer Support by putting you in contact with a trained volunteer who will have been through the same treatment as you. There is Peer support for partners as well. My husband found it very usefull to talk to another man whose wife had chemo . I have contacted the Helpline a few times when I had glitches or wanted more information and when I just needed emotional support.
The worst part of all of this is what you are in now “the waiting room” . You will get there. It will be hard but time does fly. I have had a bilateral mastectomy and am at the stage when I only have one more chemotherapy session to go through. During that time I have read the forums and eventually joined in. Now I am part of a lovely group “Starting Chemo in August”, we are all such good friends we tell each other things that we perhaps would not tell anybody else- the good times and the bad. There is also the security of checking symptoms of side effects …ie, did you fingers ache on day four? etc. because we were all at the same stage in treatment. When we have all finished we are meeting up at a Spa.
I’ m sure all you need now is a big Hug. You will be numb with shock.it is almost as if somebody else takes over from you… But you will come out the other end and back to normality sooner than you think.
Grit you teeth , and take it one step at a time. Your BCN will be a source of support. Do ring her with queries . You might also find there is a local support network. All these things are there for you when YOU are ready to use them , and it might be you don’t need them.
We will be thinking about you
Big non invasive Hug if you want one xxxx
Sharon, so sorry you have to be with us,as Cackles says the support is tremendous on BCC,I was where you are last May and now am nearing the end of all treatment.Support on these forums has been the most crucial and helpful part of my healing journey.
Love and Light Mavisxx
Sharon… How are you doing.? Thinking of you and hoping you are just too busy with good things to pist on the Forums. If you are having your surgery I hope you will escape soon and have found it less of an ordeal than you thought it would be
Big hug
Hi Sharon, sorry to hear your news but you are surrounded by people in here who are going through or have been through just what you are starting!
I was diagnosed in May and it took me a long time to get my head around the “why me” - everyone knows someone who has had, or has cancer, everyone! But for that someone to be suddenly me!! that took some getting used to. Now I am just thankful that it is me going through it and not my daughter who has 2 young kids to deal with.
What helped me most was finding this site and reading lots of posts from people who were going through the treatments. I have made friends along the way and we all support each other when we have rotten days. I am sorry that you have joined us but you are most welcome! You are amongst friends and you can feel safe in the knowledge that you can talk to us about anything - ask us anything - tell us how you are feeling without worrying about upsetting us!
Keep reading - keep posting and keep a diary.
Debs (aka Supertrouper)
p.s. you might notice strange words/spellings from people - especially Cackles at the moment - she’s on steroids prior to having chemo - we all get mixed up with our typing during treatment. I am still trying to work out what she meant when she put “pist” on the post above!
Hi Shazcopp
I’m sorry to read of your diagnosis, the first few days and weeks are always difficult when coming to terms with things and getting to grips with your treatment plans, etc.
I’ve given here the link to our Resource Pack for those people newly diagnosed. The pack is filled with information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available.
breastcancercare.org.uk/heal … tionId/82/
Also, do give the helpline a ring if you need any further support or information. They’re on 0808 800 6000. Open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 9-2 Saturday
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
Shazzacop hope all is well we are thinking about you…sorry for my computers 'pist ’ on the forums I meant POST.
Best wishes