Just wanted to add that I have been having problems with my feet also, 3 years on from chemo. As others have said I can barely walk on a morning and find that after sitting down, I struggle to walk again. Have been given some insoles by the hospital but can only fit them in my trainers and I don’t want to wear trainers everywhere. I am trying to wear them whenever possible though but cant honestly say they are helping much. Even though I am not yet 40 I feel like an old lady at times. Am going back to see the rheumatologist later this year so will mention this thread. I wonder if it has got something to do with the chemo.
Karen x
Hi anyone with sore feet I have not had any problems with my feet so far, diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy are often prescribed gabapentin for nerve pain, not sure if onc would be happy to do so but you could check, also many of the pound shops have memory foam insoles, not sure if they would help but not expensive loss if they dont x
Dear karen
Glad to find that you can’t fit your insoles inside anything other than trainers but I only got mine last week. The advice from the orthotist was to try a bigger size of shoe and have found that Asda do a pair of comfort shoes (more stylish than trainers ) that my insoles just fit in . am still getting used to the difference in the way I stand in the shoes with insoles so am only wearing insoles for a few hours today. Watch this space!!