really sore mouth

I fancy taking some solpadol for the pain (30/500 co-codamol) but I can’t get enough fluid in to swallow them; I can’t swallow taglets unless I have LOADS of fluid or food to wrap them in. Just feeling sorry for myself, sorry.

I can’t imagine how you could feel anything other than miserable with this - I do hope that you are able to get the painkillers in you somehow, and do hope they help. xxx

Ninja it’s horrendous. All I can really add is what to avoid next time that might help. I used to have for many years, a geographic tongue, that has now mysteriously cleared up. When it was bad, very sore, the things that made me hit the roof were: pineapple, tomatoes, cheese, especially hard cheese, aubergines. They really aggravated it. May help next time. Nothing I found helped except honey, which of course is bad for your teeth, but I learned what to avoid.

Oh Ninja, I’m really sorry that you’re suffering. I really feel for you. I had mucosis when I was neutropenic and had some gel sachets called ‘GelClair’. Not sure if you can get these over the counter or whether you’ll need a presciption. I also used paracetamol liquid to swish around my mouth (or you could use dissolvable aspirin). I was then prescibed sucralfate which is meant for stomach ulcers and leaves a coating over the ulcers. I do hope you find something that helps you.

Lisa xxxxxx


Had horrendous ulcers on tax, used difflam every hour and a half and lidocaine gel to numb them so I could eat. For tax two I started with the difflam even before Chemo. You can get lidocaine lollipops to keep you mouth numb and soothed.

Sorry it’s so awful.


Thanks for your posts.

Lisa:"I also used paracetamol liquid to swish around my mouth (or you could use dissolvable aspirin). Can’t take aspirin cos I have Crohn’s. TBH, I can’t swish anything round ATM as I can’t really open my mouth :frowning:

Midge: “lidocaine lollipops” sound good. I’ll have to ask at the hospital about those.

Last night I managed to eat some Tiramisu - it’s my secret chemo treat, it’s soft and cool; I bet I won’t be able to look at it afterwards! - by putting it on my little finger (I can open mouth just wide enough to get my pinkie in) and licking it off my finger to by-pass lips. I was able to get 60 mg of codeine down me neck by hiding it in the mini-slop. It didn’t help the pain much but did help me sleep. I was also able to take my Gabapentin that way. Failure to take those isn’t an option as withdrawal leads to fitting.

My wee’s getting quite dark due to trouble getting water cos it’s hurting me gob. I don’t want to end up back in Stalagluft Ward 2 on IV fluids again this week. I only got out on Tuesday :frowning:

It’s like having Foot and Mouth! BAAA! :slight_smile:


Sounds just awful. I know this might sound silly, so please ignore me, but have you tried sucking through a straw to avoid your mouth sores. I would numb my with the difflam lidocaine, the quickly eat and drink before it wore off. Straws helped me suck cold things just to get dribbles in. I really feel for you. Dx

Jesus Ninja that sounds really grim!!! I feel really sorry for you, and yet you’re still on here helping other people and giving advice for which we’re all really grateful.

I’ve just got a quick question - I had my 3rd EC 10 days ago, I’ve started up with one side of my mouth feeling like all gums and the lips tissue on the inside is aching like dull toothache and it’s very sore to touch, no sores on there that are visible but feel like I’ve been punched in the mouth. Any suggestions as to what this is? I’m using Oragel which is a novocaine gel that numbs it all and this gets rid of the pains for a bit cos it’s just like aching tooth. xx

Hi guys, looks like I’m getting admitted again, the lady taking my breakfast order for tomorrow was a bit of a clue.

I’ve been given morphine and they’re sorting out some other stuff. In the meantime, I’m being hydrated.
Thanks for all messages.

“taking your breakfast order” - did you want to punch her? :wink:
Much love, hate staying in hospitals so heart goes out to you xxxx