I have to have the breast removed next week, and as is now getting closer to the operation I am so scared of how you cope just seeing the one breast, can not help feeling sorry for myself, I know many woman go through this and younger than me. Please could somebody tell me how they coped
Just wanted to say hi Joan, I’ve not had a mastectomy but there are plenty here who have and will be able to answer your questions and we will all offer our support to you, am I right in thinking from the thread title that this is the second time you have been diagnosed? Xx Jo
Hi Joan, I had a single mx beginning of November. I found it hard for the first week or so after my op to look at my scar and got quite upset. I had an anc at the same time and wasn’t prepared for the numb feeling I had in my arm pit. It took a good week but in my own time i managed to have a look. There were some tears as it looked so strange against the side with the breast, but it does get better with time and you come to get used to it and accept it. The mx itself wasn’t painful, it was more uncomfortable than anything and I managed with paracetamol and ibuprofen. I’m four months on and it’s healed well, I’m happy with my prosthetic and on a couple of occasions I’ve forgotten to put it in before going out! Sissy xx
Hi Joan, I am so sorry to hear that you are having to deal with this. I was treated back in 2007 and had an mx then. It was also the bit of all the treatment that I found the hardest - but you do get used to it in the end. I got to a place where I view my scars as battle scars which I have earned and which show how strong we can be. Sending you love and strength.