Recent Diagnosis...

Hi all,

Like a lot of us out there, I was diagnosed with Breast cancer on 21st April, and if Im honest I am still in shock that this is happening to me… Ultimately I am very very frightened, due to see oncologist tomoz Mond 9th May to then discuss when chemo starts…

ourTrace - best wishes for tomorrow. The waiting is the worst part i think. I’m doing my 4th chemo tomorrow - as we all say - its doable. And its easier with the support you can get on this site.


good luck today! alex x

hi our trace. sorry about ur dx. i was diagnosed on 18th april when my world fell apart still tryin to come to terms with it. having mri this week then results on thur im dreading them…the thought makes me feel sick. you will feel very frightned but come on here on the ladies will make u feel like your at hme. good luck for 2day thinking of you

Hi Ourtrace,

Sad to hear of your diagnosis, but wanted to say hi. Lovely people here so I hope you’ll have plenty of us to talk to. I was diagnosed in Jan/Feb this year and am having chemo at the moment with surgery and herceptin treatment still ahead of me. It’s not too bad so far. I remember the ‘scared witless’ bit very well. It gets easier for a lot of us once we know what’s what and what they’re intending to do.
Ann x

Hi all.
Diagnosed in March, firstly told I had DCIS and no need for chemo etc, but biopsy showed 3 lymph nodes with cancer, was so shocked and upset. My aunt died 4 years ago of BC and I saw what she went thro. Also, can’t stop thinking about leaving my 14 & 15 year old kids without a mum! Had a single mastectomy 2 weeks ago, and I dont even care I no longer have a boob, just want to get better. Seeing Encologist(?) in a couple of weeks time to let me know what sort of chemo I need etc. I think that’s the hardest part, knowing that there is a long slog ahead, and it may beat me. I am trying to stay positive, but for some reason today feel really down.

Hi there,

Thank you for your comments, Im sure you will agree the support and comfort is endless, and I cant thank people enough.
My appt went ok on Monday, now just waiting for the call to start chemo… cant wait!!! Its just a waiting game… supposed to be going to Ladies day @ Ascot in June, aswell as seeing Take That in concert…I better be ok for both really, as I cant give Gary Barlow up for flippin Chemo!!! ha ha

chins up guys, - I read a really good quote the other day…
‘Get Better, not Bitter, as there is always a bottle of wine to start drinking’…

cheers all xxx

Hi Deedee,

Hope you are feeling a bit better. Remember you have been through a lot so far what with dx and surgery etc. so allowed an ‘off day’. I had mx in February this year and it is surprising how tired you can feel some days and it is not surprising that negative thoughts can creep in when you are like this. Surpirising also how the toxins from anaesthetic seem to linger - I found my skin extremely dry for weeks after I returned home and needed to drink lots of fluid to keep up hydration.Remember to accept help too from friends and family as this can also be invaluable in helping to keep your spirits up too.