Dear all, Is the Sentinal Node imaging one of the tests you need to go through? Im having mine the day before surgery - I was not aware of this scan - or maybe I did not hear the consultant mentioning this. The appointment gave me the hebe gebees.
Hi Caroline, I know you had some replies on another thread, just to let you know SNB is abb for Sentinel Node Biopsy
I origanally saw my GP on the 5th of September because my left breast had turned red and swollen overnight, but was diagnosed with an invasive breast tumour (right breast) on the 25th September and was told that they would operate on 3 to 4 weeks later. I then had an outpatients appointment for the 6th of November, instead of the operation appointment I was expecting. On questioning this I was told that the consultant thought it would be prudent to repeat the ultra sound and biopsy I’d had done on the left breast. Duly went along, but as the radiographer couldn’t see anything they decided not to do another biopsy, even though I told her that I had a stiff kneck on that side.
The wait has been very nerve racking as I’ve had to wait until the 9th November to have surgery. I was told that the surgeon couldn’t operate any quicker because he was going on holiday. Has anyone else had a similiar experience or had to wait so long for surgery.
Trying not to piggyback on to someone elses entry but not really sure how to put my own entry in,told on Tuesday that I have breast cancer and they have also found cancerous cells in a lymph node under my arm, sent for CT scan yesterday and now have to wait two weeks for an appointment to see consultant I read some of the comments on the forum and I am thinking thats how I feel and thats what I am thinking especially the comment which said inside you are screaming but outwardly life goes on and I still have to go to work, shop, cook and do everything as normal I feel like this is happening to someone else and every morning I hope that I am wakening up from a bad dream I told one of my closest friends last night and I caught her just as she was going out to a birthday party it ended up ruining her evening and she had to come home early and I felt really bad about that and it made me realise that it does not just affect you and your husband but ripples out to all who care about you do not know how I am going to get through this but get through it I will
Had my op on the 6th November. Went on 9th for dressing change at health centre and wound is all healed. Still a bit sore but nothing major. Go back on the 21st for results. Can’t wait. Feeling more optimistic now.
Brilliant news Jennifer63, xxx
Sally47, Hope the op went well xxx
Doozy, lots of support on here if you need it xxx
Feeling a bit sore tonight - I suppose its early days after op on the 6th. How long will I be on painkillers. Don’t like taking them.
Feeling a bit sore tonight - I suppose its early days after op on the 6th. How long will I be on painkillers. Don’t like taking them.
Hi Jennifer63,
the pain does get a little worse before it gets better, but not for too long. Did you have any nodes removed, and do you have any drains in? If you have had the drains removed, try hard to do the excercises as described, they are an absolutely necessary evil, but will help with reducing pain and stiffness in the long run. You should only need occasional pain killers after the first few days. I still carry paracetamol in my bag ‘just in case’ if I get a bit achy and stiff in the shoulder area if Ive overdone it. Not often needed them thankfully (15 months post surgery)
Remember to take it really easy for a few weeks, you will be more tired than you think. Most people feel much better after a couple of weeks, but full recovery takes a while - try not to be too hard on yourself.
sending gentle hugs xxx
Hi all i have lobular cancer. As mentioned before i am having surgery - which will now be a mastectomy and implant on the 14th. I am not sure what treatment I will be having - until the histology results come back. I am writing this because Iv just had a terrible panic and horrible moment. I know when I come on to the site It keeps my anxiety in check.
Hi Nanabarb
Thanks for your advice. I had a bad time last night, tried to sleep without my bra on but the pain was so bad was glad to put it on again. Sharp stabbing pains. Its a week today since op so I was hoping the worst would be over now.
Get results Wednesday 21st - just wish it was here.
Hugs to all of you going through this.
Jennifer63 (had my 64th birthday last Saturday).
Hi Nanbarb
Had nodes removed but no drains and the wound was healed up when I went to get dressings changed on Friday (3 days afte op).
Hi Jennifer , sorry I didnt reply last night, never saw your post.
Sorry, should have said, bras, soft, supportive sports type ones, are essential for a good few weeks. Sleeping with an extra pillow supporting the affected arm also helps. I normally sleep on my left side, but, as that was the side I had my surgery, it wasnt possible for weeks. The pain really will feel better soon, and the feeling that you have a tennis ball under your arm should subside soon too
Hope your birthday wasnt too bad, (I know it cant have been exactly happy). xxxx
Hi Caroline60, Hope your op goes well today, when you feel up to it, let us know how you got on xxx
Sending lots of ******HUGS******
I go back tomorrow for the results of my WLE. Don’t know what type of cancer I have so I will be asking some questions tomorrow Any suggestions?
Am typing one handed as rying to have a dring of water with other hand.
Hi Ladies and gents, had my surgery on the 14th. I stayed in hosp for 5 days just got out yesterday. Feeling stiff as a board. Im has a mx with 2 infected nodes with tumour of 7 cms. Iv had an implant put in. The anashetic made me tearful for about 2 days. I do think it ws the relief of having this taken away.
I think I will visit my son in Gilford this weekend - hes at uni there.
Well results were not what I wanted to hear. Couldn’t get a clear margin and triple negative. They are doing to do a mx with an immediate silicone implant.
They said I may have chemo or radiotherapy but I might need neither. Can’t believe that I am now convinced I will have chemo because of the triple negative.
Tumour was very small, 8mm, but surrounded by 35mm of DCIS.
Trying to accept the chemo.
I will have an appointment with the plastic nurses within the next 2-3 weeks and then Thursday clinic to discuss what I want to do.
Hi Jellymould
Have you started treatment yet. I am triple negative and go to see surgeon on Thursday for date for MX and implant surgery.