Recently diagnosed (23rd August) with grade 3 breast cancer, CT scan clear, biopsy’s show 2 tumours so I need a full mastectomy. I’ve been given the choice of having reconstructive work done at the same time of mastectomy, of which I’ve agreed to but I am now worried that my decision to do so may delay any radio/chemo that I might need, allowing the cancer to spread between surgeries. I’m due to have a sentinel node biopsy on the 27th Sept and the mastectomy and recon work around the 16th Oct, reassurance or personal experience of same decision would be welcome ?
Hi Gabriel,
Of course you’d rather not be here, but glad you found us.
It’s a shock being diagnosed & so much to get your head around, then complex decisions to make.
However, your team will only give recommendations based on what’s best for you in view of your diagnosis.
I didn’t have the plan proposed for you, so hopefully one of the others will be able to share their experience.
ann x
Hi Gabrielle, sorry you find yourself here. It’s normal to be worried about everything right now as you are processing a lot of information and making relatively quick decision with no experience. I had a full mx and lymph node removal last November and I’m awaiting delayed reconstruction due to my high risk for recurrence. There is a protocol for surgery and rads so any recon should still fit within the protocol. Recon healing isn’t much different to mx healing but the main concern for rads after recon is that it may damage the skin and affect the aesthetics of the recon. You may want to discuss this with your consultant. Here’s my blog with lots of useful tips which I hope you find some comfort from: You may also want to chat with others going through the same by joining the treatment threads on this forum. Sending hugs. Xx