Recently had brain tumour removed

Hi , have been on here in the past when first diagnosed with BC Nov 07. Had chemo, left mastectomy. radiotherapy,on Tamoxifen. Then massive new blow. 11th March 09 found new large cystic mass in brain. Had stealth guided craniotomy which removed tumour but unfortunately pronosis is not good. I wanted to know and was told 3-5 months to live but I have faith in my oncologist an d she has told me she will do all she can to prolong my life. I have already started 3/10 whole brain radiotherapy and then she is going to start me on more chemo end of April, so although devastated I am going to kick some “A***” on the way. You have to. Pamfsk

Hello Pam, what a huge shock all this must have been for you. Good Luck with your WBR and keep kicking a***. I have lost 2 close friends to brain mets but both outlived their prognosis, they both lived for a further 2 years. During that time one of the friends travelled to New York, met a chap and got married. Hang on in there Pam…x

Hi Pam,

Sorry to hear about your brain tumour. I was given a similar diagnosis three weeks ago after being relatively well for several years with ibc, so I understand how devastating it is.

Glad to hear you have such faith in your oncologist, that must be very reassuring.

I too am hoping to be able to beat the odds and have some radiotherapy planned to my brain. My onc hasn’t mentioned surgery, so I presume this isn’t an option for me.

Really hope the treatment goes well for you and keep kicking a***!!!

Big love

Hi Pam,
I to have recently been dx with a 2cm metatsis cerebal brain tumour! OMG I am very scared. I to like you stay very positive & up beat. We need 2 kick ASS! I will find out this Tuesday if they will take it out or not!

Hang on in there
Kisk Ass