Reconstruction and older ladies

Hi all,
Gosh chrissie - you brave thing. How do you cope with the fear thing, or didnt you have any great worries? I’ll be a nervous wreck.
Glad to hear timetraveller that there was no significant effect to your arm or shoulder. That is one of my main worries as i swim and dance. Dont get me wrong tho - i do my fair share of couch potato too.
Best wishes,
Rosie x

Hi Rosie

I had mastectomy in May 2006 and finally went ahead with LD reconstruction in November 2008 - approx 12 weeks ago. Just wanted to let you know that I feel great now with two boobs. Went on holiday at the beginning of January and was able to wear nice camisole tops again.

I’m still in some discomfort from where they took the muscle from but on the whole I can put up with that (i put up with the prosthesis which I found uncomfortable most of the time anyway). I haven’t had any trouble with my shoulder and arm although I have been careful what I do. I haven’t managed swimming yet,mainly because one of my drainage holes is taking time to heal. That’s the only problem I’ve had.

Good luck with your decision and I look forward to seeing you post again. Oh, by the way, I’m 52 and I don’t think age should get in the way.

Anniemay xx

Hi Anniemay, I remember you posting on a previous thread and wondered how you were getting on. I,m really glad you are pleased with your recon. I,m ready now to go ahead with mine as i also had my mastect in 2006. Unfortunately have just found out my p.s. is off sick till March! As he is an oncoplastic surgeon and very well thought of, i am loathe to find someone else, although the thought had crossed my mind. I know breast surgeons do the ld flap and also plastic surgeons. I was hoping it would be over and done with before the summer - now i am probably looking at the end of the year which is a bit disappointing. I may investigate further. I hope you continue progressing well. Let us know when youve been swimming and the effect it has.
Take care, best wishes,
Rosie x

im 52 and had it done 3 months ago . best thing i ever done . bring on the summer so i can wear what i want

I am 53.

I had an LD flap 2 days before Christmas, was out on the 27th, back at yoga on the 8th January, back at work on the 14th January. No pain, no problems, and feeling fit as a fiddle.

Go for it - having two lumps of flesh in the bra as opposed to one or none is DEFINITELY preferable. I had been one-breasted for about 13 months and it didn’t really matter to me, but this is just SO much better. I am still wearing a sports bra until the plastic surgeon says otherwise, although the breast care nurse did say I could go without this at night after 6 weeks (but I am only 36C - any larger and it may be better to stay in it overnight)

Nipple reconstruction is the next procedure!

Hi all having mne on 9/03 i am 53 …already had an expander implant last jan but has gone incredibly wrong !!! so out its coming and back to the drawing …you have all put my mind at ease !!!
thanx xxxxx

G’day ladies from Australia. I am 61, and had a mastectomy + node clearance in July 2007, then some further surgery to correct adhesions. I take Arimidex daily. Have had some probs with a frozen shoulder and difficulty stretching my arm out, but I am going to see a second PS tomorrow (just for a 2nd opinion) with a view to having a TRAM flap reconstruction done.

I had chemotherapy plus radiation after surgery but now feel the time has come to get the ‘whole me’ back! I have just read all your comments and feel encouraged to go ahead. I would like to have a cleavage again and wear sexy clothes and underwear! A tummy tuck will be a bonus!

Has anyone had any problems with a TRAM flap recon? I heard some people can develop a hernia but I will be discussing that with the PS tomorrow.

Love to all,

Hi Rosie

I’m 57 and on the waiting list for reconstruction. By the time I get my op I will be 58. Have never thought about being “too old”, it really hasn’t entered my head. I just know what I want. My mastectomy was in November 2007, followed by a reduction in December 2008. I now have a new beautiful breast that an 18 year old would be jealous of! and I want another one to match!

I decided when I was diagnosed that I was going forward, not stagnating or going back.

If you want reconstruction - go for it!

Lynda x

Hi ladies,

What a great response this topic is getting! G’day to Australia!
I have decided to ‘go for it’ and at present am waiting to see the p.s. middle of may. However, one thing that is slightly niggling is the fact that i will be having ld with implant on right side, and i am also right handed.
Any of you ladies with right lds who are r/handed having any probs?
Best wishes to you all.
Rosie x

Hi …i had LD and implant 6 Weeks ago on the Right hand side and I am right handed …havent really noticed it much as long as I keep up my exercise its the back wound that I notice more as its is like lots of pins and needles …but that is a good sign as PS told me tuesday that the nerves are coming to life …as this is my second attempt at recon …first one failed miserably and third op in a year …I am hoping its my last but in spite of the initial discomfort I am glad that I had a second chance …so good luck to all of you on the brink of surgery xxxxxxxxxxxx I am returning to work next monday so I suppose I will notice a bit more discomfort than normal sitting at my desk all day …must remember my cushion xxx and Gday Australia !

Hi …i had LD and implant 6 Weeks ago on the Right hand side and I am right handed …havent really noticed it much as long as I keep up my exercise its the back wound that I notice more as its is like lots of pins and needles …but that is a good sign as PS told me tuesday that the nerves are coming to life …as this is my second attempt at recon …first one failed miserably and third op in a year …I am hoping its my last but in spite of the initial discomfort I am glad that I had a second chance …so good luck to all of you on the brink of surgery xxxxxxxxxxxx I am returning to work next monday so I suppose I will notice a bit more discomfort than normal sitting at my desk all day …must remember my cushion xxx and Gday Australia !