Ladies, hope you can help.
I’m actually posting on behalf of a friend of mine who has been offered (and I think this is right) a TRAM flap reconstruction. She originally had recon at the time of her mastectomy but after developing a severe infection had to have her implant removed.
Consultant feels that if she has another implant there’s quite a high chance that she’ll have the same problems with infection so has offered this as an alternative.
She’d really like to hear from ladies who have had this type of reconstruction and is particularly interested in recovery time and scarring.
Hope you’re all keeping well and thanks in advance for your input
kate x
I had Tram Flap reconstruction on 14 Dec 2010. I have recovered very well. It is big op (mine was 10 hrs). The scars have healed very well no infection. The breast looks good and is almost the same as my good side. I am so pleased I had it done. I wasnt in too much pain by the time I came home from hosp I was on paracetomol and Ibuprofen. Hope this help any more questions feel free to ask.
Take care
Carolyn x
Posted on behalf of new user Karen:
hi carolyn, lad your ok, im due to have my recon in next couple of months ive had my pre op and just waiting for a date not! im having a free tram is that what you had, they do micro surgery to re attach the blood vessels ect , muscle, fat and skin from my tummy, was your op 10 hrs??? thats a long long time, how long were u in hospital and are u back at work?
Hi Karen
Yes it was right breast free tram flap. The op was 10 hours I was in hospital for 1 week. I am fortunate in that I dont work so theres been no rush to get well. It is now 10 weeks since the op and I feel very well and would say I am back to doing most things just trying to avoid heavy lifting.
Good luck with your op.
Carolyn x