I have had a Mastectomy on my right side, I am now considering my options for reconstruction. I wanted the other breast off for piece of mind, I was going to go for tummy tuck, but have been told I can only have one breast reconstructed from tummy, my other option is two back flaps.
Anybody in the same situation or who could forward me some advice. I have just finished Chemo and am starting Radio next week, I have had 2 Herceptin jabs qnd another 16 to go. I have now started putting on weight which is very frustrating, again is there anybody in the same situation?
Hi Heather, you may be better posting this in the surgery section to get responses. I had mx but have gone for implant as I didn’t have enough tummy. However since chemo I too have put on weight and surgeon has said there’s enough to do the one of the implant fails!
You never know, your tummy might grow enough to have both done!
This could be too late for you, I had two LD flaps after bi lat mast.and I would not recommend it, I have had serious back problems, we paid for mine in the private sector because the NHS wanted to do up to 5 lumpectomies, I have had endless problems with the implants,I did not have enough fat thus why they had to put the implants in, the implants deflated, replacments are causing serious back problems, they are far too big and the hospital have refused to do anything. BUT I went to see two consultants out of my area in the private sector, they are also NHS and they both said they can replace the implants, any ideas how I can fight this