recurrence or secondary?


Really pleased to hear your scans were clear and just the nodes affected. Hopefully whatever treatment you take, it’ll do the job. I keep reminding myself those nodes are there to catch the cancer and it doesn’t mean it’s growing anywhere else. Seeing my onc tomorrow about my swollen lymphs in neck.


hi, dawn…thanks for the comments, and, yes onc is aware of toxic reaction to taxotere…his suggestion was docetaxel first, at a reduced dose at weekly intervals for 12 weeks, and followed by tamoxifen…i asked if i could do the tamoxifen first, as, logically, the chemo hadnt worked first time. his reply was that that made sense, and he agreed. i asked if the strange sensations could be the tamoxifen working after such a short time, and he agreed that it could be…apparently, if neither the tamoxifen or docetaxol dont work, there are other treatments available, but they havent said what at this stage. hoping u and yours are well, u have always been an inspiration to me xx