Home and relieved to have had my operation a WLE and a few lymph nodes were taken for examination. Very little discomfort on the breast but a little tender and quite bruised under the arm. With the swelling there I feel like a cow with a large udder…smile. It was nowhere near as bad as I had imagined.
I was grateful to have a superb anaethestist who said he would do his best to make sure i didn’t suffer too badly from nausea and happily I didn’t.This was my biggest fear.
I have to say the staff at the hospital could not have been kinder. The next step will be to see the surgeon on 7th December and if the surgery has given sufficient clearance around the cancer I will go on to the Radiotherapy and Tamoxifen. Fingers crossed. It is another two week wait but at least i feel I am on the treatment ladder now.