
Hi Julie

Sorry to hear your news, but good luck with the ‘blooming EC’, hope you don’t have too many side effects.


Hi Julie,

So sorry to hear your news, lets hope the EC zaps it away ASAP!!!I know what you mean about the shock of finding it, I have never had any symptoms of my lung mets apart from the tiniest lump under my arm so these things come as a big shock…what a roller coaster we are on!!

Good luck with the chemo, I pray the side effects are minimal.

Take care,

Hi to all you lovely ladies thank you for all your posts. I try to restrict myself to coming on here once a week because I know in the early days I was on here all the time. It was really heart warming to read all your comments this morning.

Susie have replied to your PM. Hope you didnt give in to doggy fever while your hubby was away or I think it might be you thats in the doghouse!

Just wanted to let you all know I am fine apart form usual aches and pains. In a perverse sort of way I am glad I am going to get zapped because I feel that there could be cancer cells depositing themselves all over the place and I am just not going to know. At least this will treat everywhere and fingers crossed if its successful I can continue with my femara and zometa for some time to come.

first treatment 5 March and then every 3 weeks after that. Am hoping to hold onto my hair because I am getting married on 23 and dont fancy being bald on the day. Its sods law really, the only thing I have bought so far is a tiara. still searching for an outfit. hope I wont be too tired to go shopping.

Hope all are feeling well.

Love to all

Julie xxx

Good luck Jules with your treatment and even more good luck and wishes for your wedding! However it may be that you will lose your hair so be prepared. Maybe you can use the cold cap? Even if it’s for the 1st one it may preserve those follicles! I used it for my 1st FEC and my hair (where the contact to my scalp hadn’t been good) fell out just before my 2nd one 3 weeks later, but the other hair stayed put. However it doesn’t all just drop off - or mine didn’t - it comes out and gets thinner and thinner each time so, again, it may be OK especially if you are able to buy a hat or lovely scarf to wear for your wedding? Forget that, I’ve just seen you’ve bought a tiara! However, be prepared. I found I was exhausted for about 5 days after chemo then I perked up to pretty much 100% after that and was fine until the next treatment. Obviously we all react differently but I hope you will be feeling good for the wedding. Anyway, I’m rambling a bit here but just wanted to wish you luck.
Nicky xx

Hi Nicky and all

I was told I could have the cold cap for the first treatment but not for any of the following ones but I refused it anyway. To be honest I think the chemo is bad enough without having your head frozen for a couple of hours before. shows what a big baby I am !! Thanks for the advice Nicky am going to have either a wig or a glamouros head scarf ready in reserve in case it starts dropping out early.

Have just realised chemo is going to put paid to a hen night for me, my daughter will be gutted she was planning all sorts of indignities for me. I did tell her I am far too old to be parading around wearing L plates so am quite relieved really.

Hope all on here are feeling well

Love Julie xxx

Oh Julie…hoping you may still feel okay for your hen night, L plate wearing.
This site do some nice hats, scarves…perhaps not glam enough for wedding but for everyday…
I’ve seen others having the cold cap, does look very uncomfortable.

Hi Julie
I must admit I hated the cold cap so I was sort of grateful when my hair fell out so I didn’t have to bother with it. The chin strap was really uncomfortable and I got so cold with it on plus it added a couple of hours to treatment time when all I wanted to do was get out of there. Maybe you can move the hen night and have a slightly less embarrassing one - ha ha. Or maybe wear the L plates into hospital for your 1st chemo - kills 2 birds with one stone LOL I’m sure you will be able to mark the occasion in one way or the other and good luck with the chemo starting this week (if I remember correctly), take it easy and be prepared to feel rough for a few days but take all the anti sickness tablets they throw at you and they will help.
Nicky x

Nicky - I like your thinking - L plates might brighten up the chemo ward a bit. every time I go for zometa i seem to be in with (this will sound really disrespectful and is very non pc so I apologise in advance) a load of geriatric men. And they are all so miserable - might shake them up a bit. At least the nurses are great - you can have a good chat with them. And it will be doubly appropriate for my first chemo - I could start a trend.

Am seeing the wig lady on Thursday, a bit premature I know but I thought if the wig looks better than my own hair I would wear it for the wedding anyway

Belinda - thanks for the link - might be the start of a spending spree

Hope all are feeling well

love Julie xxx

Nicky - I like your thinking - L plates might brighten up the chemo ward a bit. every time I go for zometa i seem to be in with (this will sound really disrespectful and is very non pc so I apologise in advance) a load of geriatric men. And they are all so miserable - might shake them up a bit. At least the nurses are great - you can have a good chat with them. And it will be doubly appropriate for my first chemo - I could start a trend.

Am seeing the wig lady on Thursday, a bit premature I know but I thought if the wig looks better than my own hair I would wear it for the wedding anyway

Belinda - thanks for the link - might be the start of a spending spree

Hope all are feeling well

love Julie xxx

I do apologise there seems to be something wrong with my netbook it seems to be sending my postings twice. on the other hand it is probably me getting it wrong - much more likely xxx

Hi Julie, just wanted to wish you luck with your first chemo. Which I think you said starts on the 5th March. I wondered if its still a three week cycle of chemo, mine was but that was back in 2004/5. If so then you may still have your hair for the wedding. I know people are different but most ladies I know didn’t start losing their hair until after the 2nd cycle.

I had Fec and found it doeable. First week after the chemo was tiredness and the steriods made me confused and unable to sleep but after that week I improved. Felt fine by the middle of the 2nd week.

Wishing you all the best for the chemo and of course the wedding

Paula x

will be thinking of you on the 5th-hope it al goes smoothly. And it’s so exciting to hear about the wedding. Congratulations.

Good luck with the treatment Julie, I hope it goes well for yound the very best of luck for the wedding, what a busy time you are having!!

My hair has thinned so much on my present chemo that I have had to start wearing wigs again. However I have just got a new one on the N.H.S. and I just LOVE IT!! I have a totally new look and it has given me a real boost, so go with an open mind and try some different styles to the one you`re used to. I have gone funky!!

Will be thinking about you next week,
Take care,

Hi Julie,
Now what’s all this about not having a hen night? I don’t think so! We won’t allow you to get out of it that easily - you can definitely do something, at some point in the next 3 weeks, that you will enjoy and will be memorable, with friends and laughter. i insist.
As for wigs, I have to say my hair has never looked better, before or since, than when I had my wig. Quite depressing really. I was quite offended by all the compliments i got from mums at the school gate, who knew nothing of my chemo.
Take your time choosing. make sure you get to try different ones on.And have a fab wedding.
Love Jacquie x

Hi Jacqui and all. My hair is hanging in there but it is really dry and in pretty poor condition. have got my nhs wig. went in determined that I wanted to come out looking like Princess Di but actually look more like Cilla Black. the wig does give me BIG hair which is what I was after but it will take some getting used to.

Have decided will probably wear the wig for the wedding it is in my plan to get a picture of every guest wearing said wig. should make an amusing facebook album.

will keep you all posted.

Julie xxx

Hi Julie

Great idea with the wig. We did the same after my bithday party and have some hilarious photos. Strangely, it seemed to suit the men better than the women!!! Not sure what that says about me!

Sue xx