Research: body image after breast cancer surgery

I had a MX and immediate reconstruction using muscle from my back and 4 weeks later I was sitting around the pool in a bikini! I am 44. I already had implants 5 years ago as was so small so this was a no brainer for me. The reconstruction was brilliant and you would never know. I know this is a personal decision but you could always also consider an implant in the othe breast to make them look equal if this was also a concern. For me it wasn’t just about the MX but how i was going to look after and had I not had the recon I assume I would have to be a lot more careful about chhosing clothes that didn’t show any sign of a cleavage as I wouldn’t have one without the reconstruction. It really isn’t as painful as you may think and usng muscle from your back may not be as painful as the tummy. I had a good look at the internet pictures and your consulant should be able to show you lots of pictures of reconstructions to enable you to make a decision. All I can say is I haven’t regretted it and I think the scar is a lot less than the MX as yes they do it all through the nipple. If you are having a MX then reconstruction at the same time would be the best option in my opinion if you are considering recon.

“If you are having a MX then reconstruction at the same time would be the best option in my opinion if you are considering recon”

It’s not always the patient’s “choice”. For medical reasons, not so many people have that option and so are forced to be lopsided for a year or two or even permanently.

You are absolutely right Ninja. However, it’s also the case that quite often women who are suitable candidates for immediate recon aren’t offered it.

For most women, it’s carp.
The ones who choose immediate recon and get it are very, very lucky. The rest of us just cry and mourn the loss of our breasts.

I asked if I could have immediate reconstruction and was told no because I will need radiation after surgery. I asked about having both breasts removed - and living without reconstruction. I was told I would need counselling. Not sure how I will feel when I finally have to look at myself when I have been carved up.

I agree Ninja - it was sheer luck that I got an immediate recon. For various reasons I had to transfer my care to Suffolk straight after my dx and I got offered an immediate full recon. If I had stayed in Shropshire I wouldn’t have been given the option.

ST - opinion on the recon/rads issue varies from team to team. I was offered a full recom even tho it was always a possibility that I wouls need rads.

I am lucky, but I still cry and mourn the loss of my ‘real’ breast.

hiya ive just come across this thread and just wanted to say that i had my mastectomy 2 weeks ago and ime finding it so hard , i still cant bring myself to look at myself yet ,i dnt opt to have reconstruction, you tell yourself that you are ready for this and itl be fine but looking back i still wasnt prepared for it at all, but i am trying to look on the bright side

i cdnt have put that better myself , well said x

Find it really interesting that most of the comments are from women who have had WLE’s. I had to have two as the first didn’t get a clear margin. At no stage did the surgeon say anything about what it would look like afterwards and almost bragged about the oncoplastic techniques he used. Well, I have a scar that is 5mm deep and my nipple faces the floor with a big dent where the lump was. I call my boob Stumpy now as it is so much smaller than the other one.

If any of you can get RTE you might be interested in watching this documentary:

RTE2 Monday 5th March 2012 - ‘Breast Cancer:No Laughing Matter’ which follows a woman through her breast surgery experience, both mental and physical.

Hi DJ007

Whereabout’s in Suffolk did you have your reconstruction as I had mine immediately in Suffolk too?

Excuse my ignorance Jennifer but what is RTE2 as I would like to watch the documentary?

By the way, Supertrouper, I also needed rads but as far as my surgeon was concerned, if the rads affected my implant then ‘Hey, no problem, we can fix it!’ And, if I want a nipple too, then I can have one. My hospital is brilliant as I still have choices at a later stage if I decide to opt for something else - all doors remain open for me. What a pity that we don’t all receive the same treatment?


Maz - RTE2 is one of the Republic of Ireland TV channels. We can get it in N.Ireland but not sure it’s avaialble in the rest of the UK.

I will try and find out if there is a ‘watch again’ facility available via the internet.

I wish there was more support for women who face the likelihood of losing a breast . For me it was and still is a very traumatic time, especially when recon is performed badly and you have to make do with second best!

Where is the support for women like me???