Rib Pain from Radiotherapy?

I just had 20 days of radiation and yes I had rib pain and a pain right in the middle where the heart is. That has gone away, but I still have rib pain on the side of surgery. I have been wearing sports bras, they work. I can’t go back to a regular bra either. It’s like every day I wake up to a new area of pain. My surgery was in May. I was told that it is cummulative with the side effects from radiation. So I will feel crappy for a long while. 

My ribs a really painful from too to bottom i finished rads end of Jan this year i was told in June it is costochondritis its worse than ever even a sports bra hurts im wondering if tge cold damp weather makes it worse??? Don’t suppose there is anything that we can do about aa its a common thing after radiotherapy x

Hi, just found this thread. I’m 5 years on from surgery on left breast, have had what I call cramp, in the area where the bra sides touch, whenever I move in certain ways. Comes and goes, very sharp, also pain in breast all the time, much worse when anyone touches me or even hugs, using pain patches at times to help this when it’s very bad. Nipple sensitivity really bad but discovered M&S foam bras for after surgery and they are brilliant! They really help with pain in both nipple and breast and make wearing a bra possible, I’m quite large breasted. Was hospitalised last year with pneumonia - they told me my lungs are damaged and am waiting scans because of strange cardiac waves so they think my heart may also be damaged.

Not taking any cancer medications and am indeed back on hrt (after consultation and agreement). It seems rib damage, breast pain, lung and heart damage my be more common than usually admitted by t’authorities until pressed about it.   

On the plus side, I am alive and otherwise fairly well, so sucking it up and trying to get on with life and enjoy whatever I can. 

My surgery was in July 2014 and I had a lumpectomy on the right side, with 4 weeks of radiotherapy.   I did suffer terrible burns at the time but once that was healed up I had expected things would settle down.  WRONG.    I get terrible cramp on the right side, from my back around to my chest below my bra level.  It completely stops me in my tracks.  I have pains all around my rib area and my abdomen on the right hand side is often very hard and appears to be bigger than the left.    Chuck in some lymphoedema and it all really gets me down.    

I had 30 days of radiation in 2013 following lumpectomy and chemo on left breast. Over the last few months I have been very aware of painful ribs, both sides. Very tender to touch but they don’t ache.  GP (like most) wont accept cancer treatment as cause for anything.  I feel so encouraged after reading all your posts, to know that I am not on my own with this awful pain.  Best wishes to all my new friends (from Sydney Australia)

Yes it came on a year or so after the rads ended. It was mild but not often. More recently it is much less

often but the pain can be greater and takes my breath away at times but it passes.

I think it is going away finally . Depends on the individual

Hi Lolly, I’m having similar issues. Mainly with one rib in particular.  I was told it is permanent. I get multiple rib pain occasionally as well. It will be interesting to hear what my Doctor says tomorrow. I finished my radiotherapy in March 20. Wishing you well, take care of yourself.

I had in and off intense level 9 rib pain for the past six months.   X-rays showed nothing.   Finally I begged my oncologist for another test.   The cat scan showed I have 5 rib fractures in the same area that I received radiation.   The scan also says I have Osteoradionecrosis.    Bone death from radiation.   My ribs on the left side are slowly dying  my doctors say this is rare and so far they don’t know what to do about it   My radiation oncologist at first said there is nothing they can do  

 I had a course of radiation to my left side 18 years ago and a repeat course in April 2021.    I guess this is why they recommend only one course of radiation in an area.  My radiologist assured me my body could handle a second course.  
I will soon be disabled.   My ribs break if I just lift my left arm over my head.  I am a very active 60 year old.  
I am devastated     I don’t want this to happen to anyone else. 

has anyone else been diagnosed with Osteoradionecrosis of the ribs?