Risk reducing mastectomy

Had a informal meeting with a psychologist yesterday, formal meeting for completion in march for a risk reducing bilateral mastectomy, the psychologist said that she had no queries what so ever saying yes to me having it done, with my family history and personal history, just got to see a genetics doctor, I have 100 percent decided to have this done, I can’t keep living with this ticking time bomb, every year having more and more biopsies and surgery, my boobs are that scarred now, it’s like playing russian roulette with my life, xxx

Hey there, its a huge decision but in a way its really clear for you now which I hope helps - I really got used to my body pretty quick after MX - then had a bad run of depression after a beach holiday when i felt bad about myself, and now back on track again feeling fine and good about myself - hope its OK for you, best wishes nicola

It is a ver big decision, but I think this week it has finally sunk in, I know it’s going to be a big operation and then going to have to wait for reconstruction, that’s because I don’t heal well after surgery, had lots of complications after last two lots of surgery, but I think it’s the right decision for me, thank gofer for the advice and support, xxxx

i had bc in 2010 found out 6 mths later i was brca 1 so i opted for a double mastectomey i had already had a skin sparing mastectomey for my bc with implants but finding out i was bcra 1 made me re think my decision so 2012 i has both my breasts removed and a hystorectomey, im still coming to terms with my decision… there is a great pain in my heart that i have now got no breasts but i know it was the right decision i had been threw cancer once and dont think im strong enough to go threw it again
good luck brave lady my love and thoughts are with you xxxx
wonkey xxxxx

Thank you wonky, I have not had breast cancer, surgeon said pre cancer, but my risk is quite high. Lots ov cancer in the family and twin sister had breast cancer before the age of 40 , she passed away a week after our 39th birthday, mom had cancer and elder sister got something called MEN type 1, I have hyep two lots of breat surgery for abnormalities and breasts very scared now, had mri, seen psychologist, just got to wait on genetics, I need to know as I have three daughters that I need too protect, again thank you, xxxx

Hi, you have just described me, i tested positive with brac1 mutation, im literally devastated, i only got the result 2 weeks ago… did you struggle? Im ok for a while then it hits me all over sgain.,

Hi all, this may sound bizarre but i would really appreciate any of you wonderful woman could tell me how you felt and dealt with being told you are brac1 positive. I have recently been told this and am literally in bits. Im just reaching out to help me rebuild myself. I feel like ive lost me. Ive got so much emotion that i have no emotion, if that makes sense.
Thank you all.
Maria. X

Hi maria

so sorry to hear you are struggling with your brca1 diagnosis.

i has bc in 2006 at 37, a year after my mum had bc at 57. i was able to get tested for brca 1&2 through a research trial which came back negative. 3 years later i got a new bc in the other side and was re tested but through the labs as new techniques had been developed… I wasnt expecting things to be any different but was pretty shocked to find out i was a brca2 carrier… It also seems a life time ago now as im not stressed out any more but i was at the time… Id had lumpectomy on both sides and saw a ps to discuss mastectomy and gynaecologist to discuss ivarian cancer risk… When i went for oophorectomy i changed my mind and decided on hysterectomy on the day… i delayed the planned mastectomy as i was still recovering from my hyst. five months after my hyst i ended up seriously ill in hosp from an infection so mastectomy wasnt on the cards for a bit and decuded i could do with year iff hospitals.

Later on in 2011 i had a recurrence and needed more treatment for that… Suggested n mx at that tim butvthe ncer was innthe chest walk not the breast so was advised aginst itmeantime with a view to double mastectomy after tretment or the recurrence. Saw my onc and surgeon in feb and we have decided to delay any mx until 2014.

as a brca carrier i get an annual mri (due next month) and feel kinda reassured by that… i probably feel reassured by the fact iv had bc 3 times and not had secondaries (maybe complacent?), but havent ruled out mastecomies just not yet.

I have two kids who havent been tested yet… Daughter 22 isnt too bothered, and son 18 who is planning on getting tested in the next few months.

also check out the brca umbrella website a UK based support and information wesite for brca carriers.

hugs xx