You asked about breast cancer organisations. Well the two biggest charities are Breast Cancer Care (BCC) and Breakthrough Breast Cancer. BCC focuses on support for people with bc and Breakthrough focuses on research into causes and treatment of/for bc. Their work overlaps and personally I think an amalgmated organisation with the benefits of economy of scale makes a lot of sense. Both BCC and Breakthrough have campaigning groups which you can join
and I have done bits and pieces of work with both charities over the past 5 years. (though being an ex Labour Party hack
I don’t find meeting MPs a particularly uplifting thing to do!)
I’ve been to some excellent events (e.g. a research conference organised by Breakthrough, and also another reserach conferences oorganised by BCC). I also have criticisms of the way both organisations work. I think they both tend to be dominated by the safe agenda of paid staff with only lip service being given to the views of members. After a while I have been frustrated by the lack of responsiveness of both organisations(for example…I have been trying for three years to get BCC to produce a simple information leaflet on triple negative breast cancer…well I gave up trying a year ago).
I haven’t worked with two other smaller organisations. One is Breast Cancer Campaign…which is also a research based organisation, and the second is Breast Cancer UK…an organisation which focuses on breast cancer prevention and asks questions about environmental links with breast cancer ( probbaly the most radical organisation…but personally I think they overplay the envionmental links so not for me!)
Hughsie…I too have heard Barbara Clark speak but find her irritating rather than inspiring. She tends to make out that she single handedly brought herceptin to women with her2+ breast acncer…this is not the case…there were many other women who also campaigned tirelessly (some of them used these forums and some are now dead) but more quietly.