Saying Hello to the class of 2004/05/06

Hi - my name is David, I was a regular on this forum many years ago - Diagnosed in 2003 - so 2004 to 2006 regular user - now and again after that. I was in the fashion show of 2006 with another guy Brian.
I am just wondering - if there are still users - who were going through this in that period - really want to just HELLO to all.
I got through this thing - I wish all you going through it now - all the best - remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel - not just another nurse with a torch looking for a vien .
It would be nice for a reply - from anyone who remembers me.

Hi David
Just read your post & whilst I admit to not remembering you I was a user back in 2006 as I went through treatment for my first diagnosis. Sadly I am back again after a second diagnosis last December ( fortunately just for a recurrence- no spread) but have just finished surgery/chemo/rads. It’s hard to start over again after reaching my 5 years point & thinking the worst was over! Hope that you’re ok after all this time & are just a casual user.
Take care
Twinky x

Hi David,

I do remember your posts, there wasn’t many men using the site at that time. I was diagnosed in 2005, and am back again having just been diagnosed with secondaries.

Glad to hear you are well.

Regards Jo

I’m also from the class of 2006, thankfully still here, keeping busy and feeling fine. Glad to hear you are nearly 10 years down the line David. I find everything seems far away now and sometimes can’t believe what I went through to get to where I am now. It says something about the strength we all have a human beings I think.

I remember you David, I was dx in 2004 but didn’t start using the forums until about 2005/6.
I am 8yrs down the line, I have had a few scares, but all were ok in the end.
I’m interested to see how others from that far ago are feeling now both physically/emotionally/mentally.
I am still taking Anti-depressents, Diazepam and Sleeping tablets, find myself quite anxious and emotional at times, physically I get tired quicker than I used to pre dx, and have had to reduce to working 3 days a week…which even that at times can feel too much.
I remember other users from that time, some sadly no-longer with us but others who I have stayed in contact with via email/facebook etc.,