Scan results
Scan results Hi All,
I finished treatment end of Nov. 2006 and apart from being very fatigued for months after I was otherwise fine and beginning to pick up my life again.
Then mid April I got a sore back and it didn’t get better. I thought I’d pulled a muscle redecorating and hanging curtains, but that kind of pain gets better over time.
At my second three monthly checkup I told the doc about the pain it is high on my back between my shoulder blades slightly to the right side and interestingly directly opposite the affected breast which makes me wonder if the radiotherapy caused it.
I was sent to have a bone scan the results are to be given to me today at the clinic at 11.35 am. and I’m worried.
My own GP in the meantime sent me for an Xray of the chest and he has reported signs of osteopenia a milder form of osteoporosis but I thought you didn’t get pain from this so why the pain?
Does anyone else have any knowledge of what this could be?
I’d love to hear from anyone who can help. I’m worried about further cancer but there is no pain with that too…right?
I’m confused. I don’t even know what questions I should be asking
Thanks for ‘listening’.
Love Ali x
I hope your scan results were ok.
I had similar pain to you and on my second bone scan it showed a degeneration at thoracic level T5 but 3 months later it had changed to a secondary spread. I’ve been on a biphosphonate to build the bone up and not had any pain or problem since with this bone.
I hope yours turns out to be osteoparaenia and you can recieve treatment for it.
I was a bit confused about you saying about secondaries not hurting. Bony mets can be very painful but so can osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.
You’ve done the right thing getting the bone scan done and I really hope it is good news.
Concerned Hi Kate,
Bone scan showed no metastatic disease. I have a compressed T4 due to osteoporosis and the pain will continue until the bone heals. So yes it’s good news.
I’m concerned with your story as you seem to have got a similar result to me but are you saying that this went on to be cancer?
I have to return to the clinic in six weeks. I wondered why the follow up visit was nessesary perhaps you explained it because if I still have pain then they will do a further test. Is that it?
Love to hear from you again.
Love Ali x