Hi Sandra - welcome to the club none of us wanted to join. I have the same, grade 3 and 1 lymph node involved - I was lucky as my tumour was very small, only 1.2cm so I only had to have a WLE, and they got clear margins first time. I’ve now had my second round of chemo - really, it isn’t as bad as you imagine, just rather like having a foul hangover for a week (without having had the fun.)
hi sandra - me too, gd 3 and 1 node…due 5th of 6 chemos this week coming - its not as bad as you dread once you’ve got the first one out of the way, listen to your body…mary x
Hi just wondering if extremely tender skin and easy bruising is related to the chemo as i have been very sore since i woke this morning?
Yes, it is. The bruising is caused by the reduction in platelets. If it’s still like it tomorrow, ring you chemo ward emergency line for advice - they should have given you this when you started your treatment.