

I am awaiting the results of a biopsy taken 4 days ago, I am absolutely bricking it.

I presented at my GP about 3 months ago, with a pea shaped lump behind my nipple, with cyclic pain, GP suggested coming back after my period etc. Long story short, was referred up to breast clinic, Consultant palpated and reported that although he could feel bi lateral lumps, he was not at all concerned, however I underwent a mammo and ultrasound, the radiologist totally floored me when she said she could see a jagged edged mass, not palpable and was taking a biopsy from this and another unsuspicious mass on alternative breast.
I am totally confused, although she said the mass was suspicious, she also stated that the tissue samples she was taking was making her feel it was less suspicious, I dont know what to think, are all jagged/irregular masses malignant, I am trying to stay positive, then I think OMG I have got cancer. My family are trying to help but all they keep saying is will be fine and I dont know if it will, is there anyone out there who is going through or has been through a similar situation? How likely is it to be malignant? I have so many questions

Hi tonkfan and welcome to the BCC forums

I am sure you will receive lots of valuable support here from your fellow users, in addition please feel free to call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 where you can talk through your concerns with one of our team in confidence. The lines open at 9am to 2pm today and 9-5 during the week.

Take care

Hi Tonkfan

sorry to hear about the postion you are in and I completely understand how you are feeling.

You have followed the right actions and the referral to breast clinic, ultrascan and biopsy is the right actions if there is anything suspicisous and you should be re assured that they are doing this.

You probably know the stats in that 90% people referred to breast clinics are not found to have cancer, so the states are on your side.

Whatever the shape of your lump it cannot confirm cancer or not - and the only way to do this is to be the biopsy results and see what they say - my lump wasn’t ‘jagged’ and I was found to have it - in fact the opposite to you there was no concern at all about my lump and they did a biopsy ‘just to be on the safe side’ - thank god they did.

It is a horrid time the period of waiting for results and its easy to dwell on the worst case scenario and think black thoughts etc.
I don’t know how long you have to wait, but if you can put it out of your mind (there’s nothing you can do until you know either way) and if you are clear (and the stats are in your favour) you have ‘wasted’ all that time worrying.

good luck with the results and keep us posted. There is plenty of help/support and advice on this site to see you through - but you will find that most people on here are those who have cancer - and that can be a bit misleading. The ones that get the all clear tend to let us know and then get back on with their lives (quite rightly too!!)

take care

Hi Saffronseed

Thank you for taking time to read and reply to my post, I know you are right, I can’t do anything about the wait(will know on Tues 28th)I am sooo shocked, even though I discovered the lump, I never for a minute thought I would get a biopsy taken. I know it is a cliche but I never thought anything like this would happen, all heart attacks and strokes in our family(not that I want those instead lol) Breastfed my children, never smoked, dont drink(much)if the radiologist had picked up a rogue submarine on the sonar, I couldnt have been more floored.

Take carex

Hi- just to let you know our situations are quite alike. I’m 36 and waiting for the results of core biopsies taken from a lump in my right breast. I was in total shock when the radiologist said he needed to
biopsy it and I shook from head to toe.
We have two daughters 2 and 4 and I’m finding it very very hard this weekend to keep positive and going but we have to. I find out on Tuesday too, take care, you are not alone xxxxxx

Hi ladies,

I am 36 too and was diagnosed in march. I have two sons who were 4 and 2, but now 5and 3.a S saffron said, the vast majority of breast lumps are not cancerous so keep that in mind. Waiting really is the worst bit, it is total torture and I really feel for you. It will probably be nothing but if it is cancer then it us not necessaily a death sentence and is very treatable. Since march I have had an op to remove the lump, six sessions of Chemo and have just started radiotherapy. Yes it’s been hard but it us also very doable.

Be good to yourselves and all the very very best, let us know.


Ps. I Think I read somewhere that cancer cells tend to produce bloody fluid at biopsy. Mine did, so perhaps that may be what the radiographer meAnt? Not totally sure about whether it’s true tho, sorry.