thanks for your comments. Was on the phone to my sister for an hour and a half today. She totally understands my need to be on my own and what my parents can be like, however well meaning they can be. She said she would have a word with them. My sister is a nurse in palitive care so she knows about a lot about the treatment side. She thought I will need a mastectomy and talked about posssibly not having reconstructive surgery. I had thought I would have reconstructive surgery but having talked to her now I am not so sure. She did say I would probably lose major use of my right arm for a few months; and there was I thinking I could still run my business!. I was also told they would probably want to start treatment quickly so I should buy plenty of nightshirts etc and prepare myself for hospital - I had a quick look earlier online and havn’t found anything that would be suitable yet
Regarding my parents, I am still thinking on how to approach the subject without upsetting them; some of your ideas regarding this are great - thanks!
Tomorrow I am going to sit down with my boss and broach the subject of finances. I am hoping they will pay me while I am off; then when I am back at work I can re-pay them. It is in their interests to have me back to work fit and well, and I will not be able to do that without knowing my finances are taken care of. If I do not get any help from them I will probably end up losing my house and everything as because I earn quite a bit I will not qualify for much tax credit. SSP would be £80 a week, tax credit £50. I could just about afford to pay my mortgage with that, but I would not be able to eat!
Hi Dizzy
I remember going into the office the day after I was diagnosed and cleared my desk thinking I’d not be back for about 12-18 months. I had lots of investigation, 3 smallish tumours, but nodes were clear so no chemo. I also decided to go for WLEs rather than mastectomy so had 4 weeks of radiotherapy. Except for the rads, I was in and out of work the whole time. Its very hard to be at the point you are, not knowing what’s ahead. My early doctors were like the profits of doom but it turned out not to be so awful after all. Hope you get some good news. And good luck with parents, a tough one! Good luck.
Just an update!. Got my results today and I have grade 1 slow growing, oestrogen positive, size of lumps 27mm, 11mm and 10mm. Don’t know herceptin status yet, no lymph involvment suspected. I was offered chemo to reduce tumours followed by lumpectomy, or a mastectomy. I chose mastectomy with reconstruction. I will be on tamoxofin and possible herceptin depending on status. I have to have a sentinal node biopsy a week before breast operation to see if any lymph involvment. I am so relieved and that’s an understatement. I know I have cancer but it’s treatable. I had imagined the worst possible senario. Just hoping they don’t find any lymph involvment or don’t grade the tumour higher once my breast has been removed. My breast care nurse is popping to see me tommorrow afternoon to discuss reconstruction and show me pictures of prior reconstrucution results.
Thanks to everyone for their wonderful support and advice. I will keep posting my progress
so glad having your results and treatment plan suddenly make it all seem easier to handle. We always tell people waiting for results that, but I dont think anyone ever believes it.
do keep in touch with progress or questions, or just the odd thought
Really pleased for you, dizzycloud,
and what a treat to have a BCN who will visit you at home.
They predicted no node involvement from my ultra sound and I didn’t dare to believe it but they were right, the new ultra sounds are amazing.
thanks. i am enjoying a large glass of wine. I don’t normally drink, but I think I deserve it after all the stress this last week.
I know my body is in for a big shock when my breast goes, but I am ready for it. I had to laugh when the consultant examined my breast for reconstruction and was checking the spare tyre on my back which will be used for reconstruction; I said well there is plenty there for you to use!
Thrilled I am. Enjoy that large glass of wine -now that you’ve returned to the vanity zone. No node involvement is great, even if you have to go for the mastectomy. It was my clear nodes that gave me the confidence to say I’m keeping them. I always know this decision may come back and bite me, but hope not. Grade 1 is great.