Scratched arm...

Thanks Quail
I’m reading this with my arm stuck up in the air, and a feeling that I need another comfort break any sec d/t how much I have had to drink today, (another 1/2 full glass at my side! ) so I guess I’m being good, and I see the lymphedema girls again next Friday.

Good to hear the rads didn’t exacerbate your lymphedema. Did they irradiate your axilla? I had a Mx but they want to do chest wall and axilla on me. :frowning:

Yes, I’m a bit worried about RADs as well. Having had an mx and ANC with the prospect of chemo looming soon, I’m a bit concerned that they’re just throwing RADs at me without much thought about how it could affect my future risk of lymphodoema etc. I haven’t been told which areas the radiation with target…

Will target, sorry!
Annie x

We had a fairly short discussion at my planning appt. At that time I had no overt sign of LE, but was still concerned when the RO told me the axilla would be targeted. At that time she said she might have had reservations in the presence of marked LE pre-radiation, but in my case she wants to treat the axilla. I will discuss with my MO on monday, and with the LE therapist on Friday, but really if they think rads are necessary, I’m not going to risk not having them, even if it does affect my arm.

I feel that the odds of recurrence are high enough, even with everything we can throw at it. (Being TN etc) :frowning: