Just to let you both know I’m thinking of you today. Let us know how it goes.
A big hug each.
beano x
Just to let you both know I’m thinking of you today. Let us know how it goes.
A big hug each.
beano x
Hi beano, Just arrived back from the hospital, I had other mammogram today and a scan and thankfully everything is OK, they have given me the all clear.
I can’t believe how relieved I feel, I can start to think again. I really hope everyone else who has appointments today has good news as well, I have been thinking about them all morning.
I can’t believe how friendly eveyone is and it helps so much, I’m right in remember you have been given the ok as well.Thank you for your support, its meant alot.
Hi everyone,
Well it is good news (I think). The results from the core biopsy have come back benign. Which is a big relief. I now have an appointment for 9 days time (17th Aug), to have the lump removed. Then obviously the wait begins again for the results of what the lump was. The doc was positive, but said we have to make sure. So as you can probably tell, I’m in a sort of middle ground. I am very relieved about the core biopsy result. But will not be totally reassured until after the op, and the results are in. So I am still keeping everything crossed. Thank you for all your good wishes. x
Scruffy - Great news. Well done.
Ceegra - have fingers crossed for you too sweetheart.
rosegarden (jo) x
oh my bless you both i,m so pleased all is clear, rosegarden they must be in a percentage thinking that its all benign so bear with it gal, and scruffy i,m thrilled for you too , what a relief
i go tomorow so i,m hoping we are on a roll fingers and legs and eyeballs crossed
buckets of love pouring in
love to you both
Hi Ceegra
Good luck for tomorrow, will be thinking of you.
Beano and Scruffy, Good news!
Take Care
Hi Rosegarden, the news sounds good, I can understand how you feel, about 17 yrs ago i had two lumps removed as well, i know at the time they were ok but i wanted them removing but you are still nervous until the final results come through. All the best Scruffy.
ty maggie, i appreciate your support
love to all
Great news ladies! Will continue with the support for you for as long as it’s needed.
ceegra, I’m running out of things to cross for you for tomorrow Hon. No idea how I’ll get down the stairs in this position!!
All the best to you, bucketloads of love whooshing your way!!
beano x
hi all, i,m back was ages at the clinic, but relieved to say all is clear, sniff sniff with relief, apparantly i had had an abcess which responded to the antibiotics leaving some old blood which formed the most recent lump
well they did a fna today and cleared that and i have no lump now yip yippee
thankyou all for your wonderful support i was like jelly today, i pray those that are waiting will get good news, its so elating
i will keep checking in to help those that are waiting and supporting my dear friends that have not been so fortuate
rosamund i,m here for you i pray your biopsy today reaveals no spread
tytytytu all
praise the lord