I had a 2nd wider incision operation on my breast on Wednesday and the sentinel lymph node and a couple of random nodes removed.
Today, Sunday, im experiencing some discomfort under my arm and have noticed that my underarm wound is weeping a little. But the hardest thing to copewith is how low I feel. I think having had two anesthetics within a month has probably taken its toll on me. I wish I felt more upbeat, its horrid feeling sorry for yourself! Especially when there are so many lovely people on here far worse off than me.** **
Does anyone know if its normal to feel depressed after operations? I know I have only just started this journey but today I feel like I cant take anymore.
Hello Lynne xxx I had two generals in one day as got rushed back into emergency surgery after my bilateral mx 13 days ago - and in quick response - yes - it’s completely normal to feel low. General As take it out of you - it’s taken me two weeks to start to feel vaguely normalish. I’ve also been struggling more with the mental side than physical but don’t think the impact of the surgery helps ! Because of my situation I was visited by district nurse at home and she gave me tissues for my eyes while we sorted my wounds! It’s very much a package deal xxx its damn hard coping with two lots of surgery and now you have some discomfort too - it’s draining and this affects your moodxxx im sorry I can’t be more helpful but just wanted you to know that there are others that share these feelings and you are not alone xxx lots hugs sarah
Hi Lynn, it’s completely,understandable after all you have been through, please don’t compare yourself what you are dealing with is real and just as debilitating, so don’t be so hard on yourself, wish I had some words of wisdom but sending big hugs but not ones to cause discomfort and love x x x
I had GA in October and again December and I am so emotional at the moment. I seem to recall feeling the same after my hysterectomy and gall bladder operations. I too know I have got off very lightly, compared to many on here, I try to feel grateful and look for the positives but sometimes I just can’t fight the lows. I personally tend to give in, have a duvet day then rise refreshed the next day. Just take each day as it comes, it will get better x Stella
Also Lynne - having thought about this a bit more - there seriously is no harm in chatting to your gp about how you feel. Sometimes we all need a bit of extra support to get over things - I know that I will be making an appointment in feb if I don’t have more good days than bad four weeks post op xxx sarah