After being diagnosed with a new primary last week (after bilateral mx and recon in December 2010) my surgeon has suggested I may want to get a second opinion outside the trust. I am quite keen to do this as I think it would be reassuring.
Can anyone recommend an oncoplastic surgeon working on the NHS in London? Any suggestions gratefully received asap - apparently I need to go through my GP for the referral.
Thank you,
Oh Clare how incredibly unlucky to get another primary after a bilateral mx … I am afraid I can’t help with consultants in London, I am being treated in Oxford.
May I ask how the new primary was detected ? I am about to go for a bilateral mx and I am trying to decide about the reconstruction. Everywhere I read that the recon doesn’t interfere with diagnosis of another cancer. Is this your case ? And I have been told that after the bilateral mx I will be seeing my onc for a manual examination once in a while and that’s it. They told me that the cancer would no appear under the implant (silicone it would be) so the manual examination can detect a problem when there is one. I am just curious to know whether, having gone through what you have gone through, you know any different. I am BRCA2 positive so the chance of new primaries is high.
Hi all
Just a quick reminder that we don’t allow health professionals names to be posted on the open forum so if anyone has a recommendation for Claire, can you please private message her with the name rather than post it on here.
Sam, BCC Facilitator