
Posted on behalf of new user Susan:

hi im new to this but found this site and have found it really helpful. i was diagnosed with sec bone in january and am currently undergoing chemo

Hi susan

Sorry you’ve had to join us but I hope that you will find support and even friendship on these forums. I’ve got secondaries in my bones too, diagnosed in May or June 2008 (I forget which). I had 6 x taxotere alongside herceptin and pamidronate (bone strengthener) and have continued ever since with the herceptin and pamidronate. I found taxotere much more doable than the chemo I’d had in 2003 for primary bc, hope you’re not suffering too much with whatever chemo you’re having.

I expect you’re still reeling from the diagnosis. I know that it took me a good while to stop panicking and rushing around like a blue-arsed fly thinking I was at death’s door, but I have relaxed about it, count my blessings that it’s only in my bones, and take each day as it comes. I’m due some radiotherapy for a bit of a flareup in my shoulder but apart from that it’s all been pretty stable for nearly three years now.

In the secondaries section there’s a thread for bone mets which you might like to dip into.

Best wishes.

Hello Anna, just to say sorry you have had to join the club. There is a thread on here for those of us with bone mets, and it’s a great place to acquire/share information and news. You will also see that many of those who post of the thread have been around with the disease for quite a while.

Hi Susan
Sorry you have to join us on here - none of us want to be here as you can imagine. Like Alison I was dx with bone mets in May 2008 and can remember the shock all too well. I really did think I would be dead within the month (well, maybe a bit longer) and felt my world had ended - and that’s not being over dramatic! However here I am 3 years on after having chemo as my 1st line of treatment and now continuing with bisphosphonates for strengthening the bones and AI’s (Aromotase Inhibitors) as my continued defence as I’m ER +ve. I hope you can gain as much support and information from these forums as I have since 2008 and, again as Alison and Lemongrove have both said, have a look at the Bone Mets thread - you’ll see there a lot of us on there!
Good Luck with your treatment
Nicky x

Hi Susan, Sorry you have had this recent diagnosis but you will get lots of support on this site. Try to look at the other thread about Secondaries. If you cannot find it let us know so we can show you how. I found the set up very hard to understand when I first joined the site. I have bone mets too. Ribs, thorax, spine and pelvis. I got diagnosed 12 yeats ago. I take lots of painkillers including morphine but this allows me to lead a comfortable life and get on with things. In fact I am on holiday in France right now! Keep posting and you will get lots of support from lots of lovely people who know just how you feel. Take care, love Val

Hi Susan
I have bone mets dx may 2010. Having chemo and also on herceptin and zometa. I too thought i was going to peg it within months 8-(
The bone mets thread has been a great source of support for me, amongst other threads that i post on.
x sarah

Posted on behalf of new user Susan:

thanx for all your comments. i have been feeling loads better about things since finding you all on here and just hearing your stories make me feel im here for a good time yet.

Hi Susan and welcome. I have found these forums a great help since my secondary diagnosis so keep reading…you will find out that there are many women who are ‘managing’ to have a good quality of life even with the most dreadful prognosis.

My primary was diagnosed in April 2007 so I am 4 years on from that now! Secondaries were in October 2009. You will find lots of tips on here and you will ALWAYS get an answer from someone to any question you might raise.

Sue x

Hi Susan, like you I have just recently been diagnosed with bone mets, although I was terrified at first reading the posts from this site has helped me to come to terms with it, and I now believe that I can manage to live with it. I am starting six sessions of tax shortly with herceptin as I am her2+ and also zometa. I hope your treatment is going well and whatever treatment you are having is not too bad for you.


i was diagnosed with secs last year estrogen pos her2 neg it reocurred in breast that i had removed and reconstructed it as attached to chest wall and is also on spine it is 15 years since i first had it i am now on arimidex and on the zice trial taking bondronat i have had radiotherapy to spine 2010 but have never had chemo that i was told that i look well so not to have it at this time but reading other mails i wonder if i should ask about it again

How are you doing now Susan?

hi scottish lass, im doing ok, been reading lots of info on these posts and finding it really useful. im half way thro my chemo had 4 of 6 fec. had scan recently they said lump in breast had changed slightly but nothing dramatic, bones remain the same- good i think!- and spot on liver originally dx as cancer is not- could be blood spoy or something they said. so i was quite relieved dont know yet whether i will have mx but i think after doing some research i may push for it, feel it will help me mentally if nothinh else. hope you are well at the mo and thanks for asking after me it means a lot sue
(was susan now sprocket)

Hi Sue, Yes when you first get the diagnosis there is so much to take in and you do not knw where to start. I found, as many ladies have also said, the once you have got a treatment plan in line it helps. I had chemo to reduce my tumour before mastectomy but that was 22 years ago. I have been happy with the reconstruction even now. I am well at the moment and enjoying the beautiful sunshine today. It was overcast here yesterday. I enjoyed watching the TV though! I hope your treatment goes well. Thanks for giving us your other name. Best wishes Val

Hi Sprocket ( Susan) How are you this week? Val

Hi Sprocket (Susan) (and others). Glad you have found this site supportive - I know it helps me enormously with information about different treatments and managing side-effects and with the all important emotional support since my diagnosis in April 2010. I’ve had a good year despite lots of chemo and positive stories have helped me and my family to gradually realise that we can live with the disease and adapt. Like you I started with 6 FEC and had a pretty good response; I’m now having more chemo for mets on my liver and this seems to be working well - I find it very reassuring to know there are lots of treatments and new ones coming along all the time.
Well done for coping with so much FEC -hope the side effects are not too bad for you; I found mine disappeared quite quickly after stopping having the treatment.
Do keep in touch