Secondary dx within a month of primary dx?

Hello Mrs Blue
Its good to read your post and everyone else’s and to know that other people have had the same kind of shock. I’m 28 and was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago with primary then secondaries in liver and lungs within a week of each other. Am starting EC chemo this week. still seems v. surreal because am feeling well!

Hi celiab…what a shock it must have been for you…I can still remember how I felt at that time. I’m so sorry you have to join us but you’ll find lots of support and some good advice here…Good Luck with your chemo this week.
Take Care…Belinda…x

Oh Celia! What shocking news… if I can say so without being patronising, you are doing well to be posting on here! (I didn’t join this forum till 18 months after my dx)
Looks like you have your treatment plan in place. I’ve not had chemo myself but I really hope it works well - and that you have lots of support for side effects (physical and emotional).

Hi Celia

I am sorry to read for your recent diagnosis. As well as the support you are receiving from the other users you may be interested in some of the other support service BCC offer. If you go to the following link you will find details of what is available:-

I hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Hi Celia - what a horrible shock for you, you sound as if you’re coping very well with things. Hope the chemo works really well for you and am sure that, like me, you’ll find lots and lots of support on this forum.

Lesley xx


Hi all

I was dx early Sept and my liver secondries were picked up at my CT scan and discussed with me jut over 3 weeks later but my Onc requested an MRI to confirm and these results and i refused to beleive they were liver mets!

Had x EC and 4 x tax. Now waiting for scan and results to see how how things are… I’m 37, was 36 at dx


Hi Georgibella…I just wanted to say that’s such a beautiful pic/photo…and Good Luck with the scan and results. Belinda…x

Cheers Belinda

I had a friend come and do some family pix just after I started my chemo before my hair fell out! She did a great job

I’m dreaming my scan results are clear… ha!