September 2016 starters

Sorry that should say Letrozole!!

Hi Ladies


Just checking in to see how everyone is doing?


Had my check up last week - all clear on right breast.  Although I am getting pain under my arm where I had the masectomy and going back in a couple of weeks as may have a scan to put my mind at rest!


Still doing Ok on  Letrozole no side effect, no weight gain :womanvery-happy: although I have been feeling really low these last few weeks, not sure if it is the side effects of the tablets or the anniversary of losing my left boob :womansad:


I am finding my partner really irrataing, again not sure it’s the tablets are just a revaluation of our relationship?


Still have a  hearing infection 2 months on, tuns out due to getting an infection it has caused me to have a perforated  eardrum and a  Polyp and slight loss of hearing! Another dose of antibotics and hopefully in tme the hole will close up without the need of surgery! 


I would still be interested in meeting up around mid September if anyone is interested?  I think we agreed Birmingham would be the most central location to meet, athough I am based in kent.


Anyway enough of me, look forward to hearing how you are all doing.


Take care


Lisa x

Hi Jo-Jo


I’ve had so many people now tell me that my short hair suits me that I’m going to stick with it. It’s much easier to manage anyway. I get told I look well too - which I do compared to when I was on chemo - that I just say ‘oh it’s that make up’ which is true. I can’t be bothered with it most of the time but that’s like I was before. I’ve just decided to be positive and look to the future.


best wishes and hugs


Hello all, how is everybody getting along? I hope you are all continuing to recover from a dreadful year and things are looking up.


I have completed my second year nursing and just when I was gearing up for a rest I have an extra assignment landed on me because the stupid doctor gave me a 4 week sick note after my surgery last August, instead of the 1 week one I had requested. I am beyond cross but I have planned out a timetable so I can still get a rest otherwise I won’t have any holiday time this year.


That aside I am feeling better and better. I have finally got rid of the last lingering side effects of chemo, although I still get tired more easily than I used to. Tamoxifen doesn’t seem to be giving me the appalli g side effects that some people get. My whole body temperature has increased from a usual 36.5° to a steady 37.5° but maybe that means I won’t shiver quite so much in winter, lol.


My hair has grown back enough to actually be cut into a style, rather than just a lump on my head. I am growing it to bob length then deciding what to do about it. Previously I had hair almost down to my waist but I don’t know if I can be bothered to grow it as long as that again. My hair has always been a dark strawberry blonde but it has grown back black! Both my grandmothers had black hair and so do some of my cousins but it was a bit of a shock and I am still getting used to it!! There may still be a cut and colour at my hairdresser in the future…


I see my oncologist tomorrow and hopefully I should be discharged from her clinic. I still get a bit of muscular type discomfort on the side of my breast and under that arm but it is slowly improving. Having seen how surgeons stretch the skin to get at the parts they need to operate on I am not surprised it is taking a long time to recover! After that I will see the breast care nurse and consultant every six months for the next five years, as well as the annual mammogram. That’s not too much out of my daily life to keep my mind at rest, and certainly preferable to the dentist.

Hello everyone hope you are well enjoying the weather. I had a routine check in June unfortunately it is back and I started chemotherapy yesterday.

Hello See See unfortunately it is secondary

Thank you See See and Sue. I know Cancer treatment is more advanced than ever and there is hope that one day there will be a cure. I started on Carboplatin chemotherapy on Wednesday and side effects are not too bad. Apart from the usual tiredness and the horrible feeling when you have dexamethasone?. Sue these secondaries have come on the wrong person ?I will send them packing faster than they come. ???