September 2016 starters

Hi everyone especially steph03 I bet you’ve got your starting date hope your ok? ? So I had my first fec yesterday I can’t tell you how much water I drank I think I drank 2 litres before then 4 bottles during then at least another 2 litres at home anyway I felt rotten yesterday afternoon just tired and really nauseous I took all the tablets even had the district nurse out give me an injection but that still didn’t work I ended up being sick twice then having a piece of toast and then just falling asleep from about 8.30 had to get up a lot in the night for a wee mind ? But anyway I’ve woken up today feeling ok it’s early days and don’t want jinx myself but I’m hoping that because I drank so much water I’ve managed flush it through my system a bit quicker anyway will keep you updated. Good luck everyone ?

Hi ladies,

Had my first EC with cold cap yesterday after 4 days of fasting with nothing but water and herbal teas. I had nausea yesterday and woke up with a headache but ate rye bread with egg and a big glass of fresh juice of beetroot, ginger, Apple, turmeric, spinach and carrot and so far am feeling good.
I’ve also been rinsing with salt/bicarb every so often. I am feeling quite hot so another good tip is to soak fennel seeds in water overnight pref and drink this, it is very cooling for the body.
Tonight’s meal will be bananas, prune, almond milk and a frozen pineapple cub whizzed up in a blender.

Staying away from processed sugar and wheat. Although I did have some Jacobs salt and balsamic crackers which were lush. Oh and drinks 3 litres of water with mint and cucumber to flush flush flush!

Hope you ladies are doing well, just few things I’m doing… Good to pass tips eh!

Ps I think the fasting is really helping but I don’t want to not fast for the next cycles to risk increased side effects but of course I will listen to my body.


Hi Ladies

Thanks so much for your support. I took your advice and called the help line who referred me to the out of hours doctor. Had a good examination and temperature was normal. Doctor thinks I’m still constipated despite diarrhea, it’s a ‘overflow’. Sorry if that’s too much information! She said to take Senna and also tablets to help with stomach pain.

I’m to see how I go tomorrow. I felt OK for first two days after session last Monday but it’s gone downhill since Wednesday.
Thanks again

Kath xx

Room for another ?


I was diagnosed three weeks ago, I wouldn’t mind but seriously, I only went in to have my ears syringed.  It’s been a whirlwind few weeks, I work full time and it’s been like having a 2nd job, what with all the appointments, tests and procedures. I had a clip inserted a week or so back (it’s a blur as to when) and a Portacath fitted on Friday, am still a little sore from that, but improving each day. I think I have most of my chemo bag sorted, although my husband has eaten my biscuits and my daughter is using my lip salve.


I am giving the cold cap treatment a try, even if they do have to take multiple attempts to get it on. I have also sorted a wig and head covering just in case from a lovely place in Bromsgrove called Wills Wigs. I start the 1st chemo cycle tomorrow, 4 x 3 weekly cycles of ‘T’ followed by 4 cycles of ‘FEC’ tomorrow, followed by Surgery and Radiotherapy, so that’s me sorted for the next year, oh and not forgetting the Hormone Therapy for good measure.


I have never used a Forum before (so hope I am doing this right) and I am really grateful for everyone’s experience and advice. I have read through all of the posts religiously this afternoon and only wish I had found this forum a few weeks back, Thank You so much.


I really hope anyone who is experiencing any side effects improves and hope all goes well with the different treatments everyone is undergoing. It’s been very helpful to understand the ups and downs and how to prevent and counteract them.


It’s amazing what your friends tell you at times like this. Apparently, I am one tough cookie, the strongest person they know, one very determined and positive lady and will kick its ass. I am sending all those positive vibes to everyone on here along with my Love to you all.


Finally, I will be having one or two glasses of Pinot tonight to help get me off to sleep.


p.s. I may not be as chirpy as this on future posts !!

Hi Smart

I do have a date thanks! First cycle is Wednesday. Feeling relatively calm at the moment although I know the nerves are going to kick in.

Going to the hospital tomorrow to meet the nurses and see the oncology unit, plus have my heart scan. After that I’ll be hitting the shops to buy in all my little bits and pieces that have been recommended. I’ll be cold capping and haven’t got a wig sorted yet as I want to wait and see if the nurses recommend a particular place to go, so I hope to get that bought on Tuesday or the first day I feel ‘fine’ after chemo.

Time for one last bottle of wine tonight I think ?X

Hi all

Helen, welcome but sorry you have to be here. However you will get fantastic support and advice on here.
I am now feeling back to “normal” (was I ever normal)! after first cycle of EC. Day 7 onwards have been good days. Pls don’t let anyone be put off when I say it took 7 days. It was mainly feelings of nausea. They are switching anti sickness meds for next time so fingers crossed it’ll be a bit better. Back to work today, yay!
Sending hugs to everyone starting chemo this week.
Sarah xx

Worcester warrior, welcome. I had my first treatment last Monday and it hasn’t been easy. I find this forum really good as although my family and friends are marvelous they don’t know what it’s actually like to go through all this.

If I had any advice it’s don’t try to be superwoman! Take each day as it comes and take care of yourself. Good luck.

Kath xx

1 Like

Hope you’re ok? It’s not quite the same as my implant was taken out but I have a temporary expander at the moment but the day after chemo up until about 3 or 4 days ago it started to become quite painful. I phoned the BCN to ask whether it was coincidence or connected. She told me to keep an eye on it, and since I’ve stated to feel better the pain has gone. Still no idea whether it was connected to the chemo! I’m back on Thurs to be expanded so I’ll mention it again.
Sarah xx

Hurrah (I think) I’ve finally had my first chemo after two weeks of delay due to post op infection. As so many helpful people have said the actual process wasn’t as scary as I’d thought and was as good as it could have been. No problem with my vein and I was given a lot of additional fluid to dilute the E and flush things through. The cold cap also wasn’t as bad as I expected - hope this means it was cold enough! I know I’ve got it all to come in the next week or so but relieved to have one down now. Drinking lots of fluids all day. Hope everyone is doing ok. R xx

Good luck Helen and it’s nice (you know what I mean) to have someone on the same day to compare notes with. I didn’t have any steroids last night but still sleep deprived! Beginning to feel slightly odd now and tired so expecting to feel worse tomorrow. Like you I have my chemo bag ready armed with things that I know I’m likely to need as they’re my weak points anyway! Much appreciated the tips on here about mouth care, fluid intake etc. Thanks to all. Xx

Good evening ladies,
I just wanted to wish you all the best and let you know that there is life after treatment ?
I was in the Sept 2013 chemo thread, we moved over to a hidden FB group as it was easier & meant we could share pictures etc a lot of us (30+) still talk from time to time & have mini meet ups. The first one was in the April after treatment was over… very emotional meeting strangers that I’d shared my darkest moments with.

I went through 6 rounds of Fec-T and was lucky enough to have a portacath fitted.

My main advice is to take all meds you are offered even if you don’t feel sick (particularly whilst on fec) as quite often by the time you feel sick it’s too late.
If you still feel rough speak to your team as they have a huge arsenal of different antiemetics & painkillers that you can try. I went through 3 different combinations before finding one that worked effectively for me.

Drink plenty of water the day before, day of & day after at least 2L

I didn’t cold cap and so started to lose my hair around day 19 - apart from the obvious buying of wigs & hats/scarves buy a sleep cap, you’ll be surprised how cold your head gets in bed at night particularly with the winter coming. (I ditched the wig the following May)

I had mx before chemo, after chemo I had reconstruction surgery & a reduction to remaining breast to match - I now have the boobs of a 20 yr old (every cloud and all that ?)

All my wounds have healed the scars are fading, I’ve lost the 2.5 stone that I piled on, my hair is shoulder length, my eye lashes & brows have all grown back albeit a little thinner than before but hey a small price to pay eh!

This year I have been to Spain multiple times & went to New York in April the New York trip had been postponed from December 2013 and was even better than I’d hoped for.

I’m not gonna lie chemo is tough but doable especially with the help of your new September chemo buddies to sympathise, laugh & cry with you it’ll be over before you know it.
Best of luck xx

Hi Nicky

It’s so good to read your post as I’ve had a bad first week after first TCH treatment. You’ve given me hope!

Kath x

Hi everyone,


Just wanted to share this with you.


I was at the Look Good Feel Better course today at my local Maggie’s centre, which was fab by the way, loads of great stuff including lancome, chanel, YSL, to name but a few. Still need to practice putting the make up on being a non-girly type though.


Anyway, got chatting to the girl I had been sitting next to after the class and she is having chemo before mastecomy. She has had 3 FEC and 1 T and her tumour has gone! Not shrunk, disappeared! She, like me, is also on herceptin. So for all you ladies who are suffering bad side effects from chemo at the moment, hang on in there as horrible as it is, think of the good it is doing.


Best wishes



I am booked in to have a Port a Cath fitted next week - I guess many on here would have also had it done. 


For some reason I seem a bit apprehensive about having it done, but have no option as it is impossible to get and veins to insert into.:womansad:


Any thoughts or feeback would be great




Lisa x

Hi Lisa,

I’m also having the little Port in my chest fitted, tomorrow actually. Turns out after 4 attempts at getting blood and the vein on my hand still swollen 4 weeks after surgery, my veins are considered useless! I’m a little anxious but will post tomorrow night to let you know how it was.

Chemo now starts on Thursday for me, as having this procedure has pushed it out a day.


Hi Lisa/Steph,


I had the Portacath fitted last Friday before my 1st chemo session yesterday. It was quite a quick procedure (30 mins) done under local anaesthetic and sedation. I went in as a Day Case and I don’t remember a thing from going in the theatre until a little while after when I was back on the ward.


The clinician said he liked to insert the device into the opposite side of your chest to the breast with the lump, which in my case was the left hand side.


I had two stitches, a small one in my neck and a larger one on top of my breast. I was quite uncomfortable for 2 days after, but manageable with paracetamol and they used the Port during the 1st chemo session. They put some anaesthetic cream on 45 mins before using it to numb the area the needle goes into and it was no trouble at all.


Hope it goes well for you both.


Hi, I am new to all this too and confess I have never joined a forum or blog site before, for anything, so here goes… I had my first chemotherapy on 16th September 2016 (FEC). I used the cold cap which WAS cold but manageable after 15 mins. Friday evening I just felt tired (adrenaline fuelled day). Saturday I took my anti-emetics and just felt queezy. Stupidly I didn’t bother to take them all on sunday and felt grim. Monday I spent the whole day vomiting. Today (tues) have taken all the available anti-emetics and feel SO much better for it! Live and Learn!

I have had a look at the other comments on the forum and have already received some wisdom and support. Thank you all, hope in time I can pass on something of benefit to you too. 

Elaine x

Hi Anne
I had a single slow release injection the day after my 2nd chemo last week. This was to help boost white blood cells. Was a small injection and I have not noticed any side effects. Can’t remember what it was called eather ? nothing to worry about.
I will see next Thursday after bloods if it has made a difference this time round.
(My chemo was delayed a week and reduced slightly for this one)

Hi Lisa

I had a portocath fitted the week before my first chemo session and its been great. The proceedure was done under a local anaesthetic and took about 40 mins in total. I had a couple of days discomfort with it but nothing unbearable and it has definately helped when I have had blood tests, chemo and dye injected prior to a CT scan. When i know that I am going to have any ‘proceedure’ I have some gel to put on it about 45 mins earlier which numbs the area. Donot worry about it as this is most definately a positive thing to have fitted. Good luck


Hi all

I was prescribed the filgastin injections for 8 days after first session and have last one tomorrow. District nurse comes to do them. They come with their own set of side effects! Aching bones etc.

Chemo nurse said many patients don’t really start to feel better until they finish injections.

Kath x