September 2023 Chemo Starters

Get some rest tonight and don’t forget to follow the no eating and drinking rules pre op :heart: let us know when you can :heart: and know your a fidget bum but please do give yourself chance to knit back together, it’ll make recovery quicker :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Is there a chemo nurse or nurse, oncologist who could answer some of your questions?
I am going tgrrge pembro route
Actually post op, am due to go in on Monday for blood test to receive pembro on Tuesday. It was postponed by one week but I will see how I feel and might postpone it further if I am not well as it might trigger a temp :kissing_heart:

When do you start RT? Xxx


Hello! I have an appointment with my surgeon on the 27th so should find out the dates for RT then, my breast care nurse thinks it will be late March, around the same time as abemaciclib. I think you get sent to a special Abemaciclib clinic, so can ask questions there (I’ll also see if I can find a contact in advance).
Will be thinking of you tomorrow xxxx


Am pretty good at doing my exercises. I am a busy bee but I’ve learned over the years and many injuries and ops I’ve had, that rest is the best especially the first two weeks, that’s the hardest so I’ve planned nothing, I can’t drive anyway and I’ll see how I feel on 3rd week. I’ve marked all my services unavailable on the doggy ap for the next two and half weeks (may extend to 3 even )and am not due to teach clients (horses) before April, post RT :blush:


Am out of surgery!!! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: It went well apparently. The drugs are good am telling you. I kept talking about horses and dogs I think I bored the nurses and I kept chatting. I did warn them :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:. No issues w the wire being inserted and I didn’t feel anything. The come down shall be interesting lol but I’ve put my favourite songs on in the room.and am focusing on that. So glad the bugger is out and let’s hope the tests come back all negative and not too much pain when drugs wear off :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Big hugs


Really glad you’re feeling ok. Take it easy and get some rest xxxxx


@pinklilli3s so glad you are out and it went well. Yes the bugger is out. Hope the drugs keep the pain away and will keep my fingers crossed for the tests. I have been told it takes three weeks to get the results…ah well it will come around eventually. Really hoping for the both of us no more surgery but we’ll see. Thinking of you, keep popping the old pain killers. Lots of love and hugs. S


Great news @pinklilli3s it’s so funny the things we say after an operation. At least it wasn’t something embarrassing!

Take it easy and rest up. The results will be in when they are, no point worrying until you know. You’ve been through so much already nothing is going to knock you back,you are so strong.

Bigs hugs. Dog sent a slobbery lick. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Aw well good you tell me it’s 3 weeks thank you cause I was expecting 2 weeks not that the surgeon told me, she’s a bit of loose goose this one, only does what she wants when she wants w very little communication!!! She didn’t even come round to see me today I guess she’ll come tomorrow. Poor manner not to check on me straight after surgery imo

The advantage of being in hospital is that I get paracetamol in IV which is much stronger than if I popped the pills so, so far so good :+1:
The nurse who looked after this morning hasn’t been back since. I definitely has over talked :joy::joy::joy: every other nurse has been to check my BP but not her lol

Big hugs


True actually you’re absolutely right, of god what I would do to have a dog by myself now or my fluffy cute poo monster of a horse (he always likes to roll in poo lol)
Am waiting for my dinner, am starving the little sandwich at 3pm, only filed up a part of my stomach haha I ask for fruits or a banana, the male nurse must have gone to Dominican Republic to get them he’s not come back!!!:woman_shrugging:t3::joy:


:heart:pinklilli :partying_face: fabulous news go girl :partying_face::partying_face: thanks for letting us know your through, hope you’ve tube of anosol for when you :poop: the backwards pinecone :flushed: the op meds can block things up a bit :flushed: what tune gave you got on and we can all have a dance tonight for you :dancer:t2::dancer:t2::dancer:t2::dancer:t2:to celebrate :+1::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thanks @Shi I knowww :weary: I had both my trapeze in thumbs , replaced in August just before I got diagnosed, I had such bad stomach cramps from the fentanyl am not looking forward to that, that’s part of the reason I chose to stay in hospital and for the bed going up and down so the fluid can come down, rather than lying flat on my bed! Plus I get fed and get to rest! I need to catch the night so I don’t get woken 2am…been there done that last month, not wearing that T shirt again, will only wake up for pain meds thanks :joy:


Have you had some food now send out for a deliveroo if your still hungry :heart: I’ve had Kylie’ dancing on and had a dance for you pinklilli :dancer:t2::dancer:t2::dancer:t2: Kylie was our oct17 inspiration and we always told each other to pull up our Kylie gold hot pants :heart: being a breast cancer survivor herself she was our inspiration :heart: and she’s brilliant anyway and her musics :dancer:t2::dancer:t2::dancer:t2::grin::grin::grin::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Try getting some rest, it’s difficult post op as you’ll be buzzing from meds :heart: I used acqueous cream on my scars and got no scarring not sure if you’ve thought about creams for post surgery yet :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

I’ve had some food and went for a little walk outside to get some fresh air as I was feeling swollen/stiff from not moving and needed to get the blood flow
I’ve tried to share my library tunes as a link from Spotify but for some reason won’t let me do it. Best I can do is a screenshot!
Ive had my paracetamol,brushed my teeth and looking forward to sleep this long day off ! :grin: Up since 5.30am :zzz: thank you the well wishes. So far am able to move arm (not above head or carrying anything) , will be interesting to see physio -if I see one- and see what’s its ike once beta blocker and anesthetic wear off in couple of days xxx


Rest up don’t try lifting arm above head for a while yet :heart: let things knit back together :heart: love a bit of Sophie :dancer:t2::dancer:t2::dancer:t2: rest up and keep taking your pain meds even if you think you don’t need them take them :heart: really pleased ops gone well :+1::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thanks Shi, yes am resting up.
I mean.not that I would know officially as surgeon hasn’t come and seen me :woman_shrugging:t3: nurses told me.
Have yet to see physio as well. Normally all of this happens post op but maybe it will happen today as I stayed over one night in hospital.
Quite a bit of swelling round the area today where the bra stap would sit.
Am given paracetamol but wonder if you guys had anything else to help control swelling down like dicofenac or ibuprofen? I’ll speak to the nurse later


Hi Pinklili, congrats on getting through the op, that’s brill. Hope you get lots of rest today.
Yes, I had paracetamol and ibuprofen after my mastectomy and kept going with that for a good week or two.
Frazzled, hope you’re feeling OK about your op.
Annemanc, really glad to hear you’re feeling much better but understand your concerns about the drug.
I’ve now had two weeks out of three weeks of radiotherapy. Very sore shoulder but jig unusual apparently.
Best wishes to all


Thanks @daffodil1 how is your energy levels and hope your shoulder pain settles. Big hugs! xxx

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So glad you are feeling so perky after your op. Did the nurse return from the Dominican Republic? I can’t remember seeing any fruit at all during my 6 days in hospital in November. Husband had to bring some in.

I was given co codamol to go home but that can back you up, hence why I mentioned senna/lactulose. If I remember I was told to avoid ibuprofen due to bleeding. But I’ve read others have used it, so could be doctor/hospital specific.

The physio and surgeon saw me after surgery but I went home the same day, as you’d already elected to stay overnight they will see you before you leave today.

Rest up :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: