Seroma build up after surgery

Hi, I’m Lizzie and I’m new here. I was going to post exactly the same question as Kim so thank you for doing this for me. I had a lumpectomy and SNB on 13th Jan and all healing up well… apart from a huge seroma under my arm and down my right side. To add to all the other worries that we have I find this a huge pain that I wasn’t expecting. It is too uncomfortable to wear any kind of bra as the strap squeezes the seroma and makes everything sore. Then when I go braless I also get sore as my poor boobs are tender and need the support.


I rang the BNC today and hoping she will see me tomorrow to get it checked out. Also unsure whether I want it drained. But not sure how much longer I can put up with it. 


Does anyone have any tips for helping the fluid to drain naturally? I tried massage at first and it seemed to help when things weren’t too bad. I may have overdone things last week, trying to do a bit of driving and shopping, which could have contributed to the problem.

The only thing that may have worked for me was reflexology although that may have been a coincidence. Just had my second dose of chemo today and I can feel the seroma building up further like it did last time! I’m thinking that if the chemo makes it slightly worse then best if I dont have it drained only for it to come back again next chemo session :confused: I will see what the consultant days on Thursday.
Keep us posted how you get on, any tips would be gratefully received!!
Take care xxx

Thanks for the messages and warm welcome. The seroma club is maybe not something I had planned to join, lol, but at least it is friendly…:smileyhappy:


I’ve already discovered that the best way to get rid of a seroma is to phone the BCN and make an appt to get it checked as ironically I woke up this morning and the thing was half its previous size! Sleeping on the opposite side to the seroma overnight maybe helped it to drain, will try that again tonight.


Anyway I went ahead and saw the BCN to get things checked out. She did try to drain a bit of fluid but there wasn’t much as it was sloshing around in a large area that felt quite spongy rather than sitting in a hard ball today. However, she did help me in other ways as we found that one of my dissolvable stitches in the lymph scar hadn’t dissolved and so I had that taken out (relief! I wonder if my body had been producing extra lymph fluid because of this? It felt a bit like getting a splinter pulled out).


Also she helped me with the bra situation by giving me a selection of spongy dressings that I can put on my boob to protect it where the bra feels uncomfortable. That has worked well this afternoon at least.


Will see how I get on now for the next few days, my BCN says once my body starts to produce less fluid and absorb more things will balance out. Fingers crossed, ladies… x



Hi ladies

i had a mastectomy and anc on 22/1/16. I also have a large seroma, it was drained last Wednesday but by Thursday it had started to build again. It’s very painful and so us my scar especially at the ends of the scar it’s very lumpy. 

Im also having problems doing my exercises as it’s very painful and I’m struggling to raise my arm, is any one else having a problem with pain.  I also feel as if the skin on the back if my arm and under my arm pit is raw, it’s very painful.


i feel as if everything hurts and after already having 6 cycles of chemo just want to cry. X

Ah Lambo129, it’s really horrible to be going through that having also been through chemo first. I’m the opposite, surgery first now chemo.
My under arm was really sore after surgery and found that gently applying aloe Vera gelly (the most pure you can get - I use Forever Living, you can get online) helped and gently washing with very mild shower gel. My GP prescribed athletes foot cream!! Didn’t help to eventually I used hydrocortisone cream that I had at home (I have eczema) and that helped. But don’t do this without getting it prescribed!! Strangely I e found the aloe Vera gelly works as a deodorant!
I also had / have cording under my arm and unless I do the exercises twice a day that were given to me after surgery my arm really stiffens. 3 X a day was recommended mind! My surgery was 7 Dec, so that’s 8 weeks now and I can lift my arms above my head but it does hurt. It’s mainly my forearm that feels stained now.
You are in the early days, so don’t worry, and don’t force your arm higher than it wants to go if it really hurts. You will get there :slight_smile:
Never hesitate to call your BC nurse though if your worried, she may have more ideas.
Take care and keep us updated - even if it’s for a moan and rant - that’s what we’re all here for too! Xxx

Hi there, yes it was drained again, another litre of fluid taken off. Felt so much better but dreading if it reforms. Had my pathology results as well. They were good news so made up for the drainage. I too have a sore upper arm and am hoping it clears up soon.
Lambo I’m seeing my onc on Monday and will be discussing rxt. I have cut back on the atm exercises as it seemed to make the situation with the seroma worse. Doing them but very slowly and not as often.
Thanks bravescholar. I was concerned about having to get my arm really straight above my head. I know they will not do the rxt while I have the big seroma. Hoping this drainage does the trick. xx

I had mastectomy and sentinel node removal last week. I have a tender lump appeared under armpit that feels quite tender to touch. What were your symptoms of a seroma xx

Hi Julia, seroma feels like fluid build up - to begin with mine felt a bit sloshy, then like when your milk comes in when you’ve had a baby. More uncomfortable than sore, but can be sore around the scar if it pulls.
If yours is red, hot or sore though ring your breast care nurse for advice or call your GP, as if it’s an infection you want it sorted quickly.
Let us known how you get on xxx

Hello Ladies,


It’s my first post to this thread!


I had my mx and recon just over a fortnight ago and the pathology of what was removed showed all clear with no spread but I’ve noticed a pea sized lump on the side right on/next to where my implant is near the centre of my chest (rather than on the armpit side) it feels quite hard but slippery if you know what I mean. I will be calling the clinic tomorrow but I wondered if any one else has had something similar? 




Ali xx

Hi Ali, I haven’t had anything similar but definately a good idea to get it checked out if only to put your mind at ease.  There are so many niggling side effects from surgery that its hard to know what’s not normal and what is I’ve found!! 

After my second round of chemotherapy my seroma built up again and was really uncomfortable. had an appointment with my surgeon again and she isn’t worried about it. It is easing now, and I’m hoping after reflexology next week it will be right back down again! (ready to build up after chemo 3 - deep joy!!)  The surgeon does think however that my implant may have moved, in anycase she’s not entirely happy with how it sits so she will see me in 4 mths time and reassess it then with the view of surgery to  either move it or put another more suitable size/shape in. I thought it was all seroma build up - maybe not then! Sounds bad, but I think she was more concerned that I look equal to my natural boob. She said its a minor procedure that can wait until all my treatment has finished. 

I do have minor lympheodema in my operation arm, so I’m being referred to see someone who will show me how to massage it to keep it under control. I guess, that’s another thread for me to look at on here!!

Take care everyone - let us know how you get on Ali - I do catch up with you on other threads too :slight_smile: xxx

Still havent had mine drained, it builds up after each chemo session and then eases after about 10 days.  I’ve only had 2 of the 6 sessions, so I guess I’m in it for the long haul!! Then I’ll be having 3 weeks of radiotherapy.

Saw the surgeon just over a week ago and she wasn’t concerened but thought my implant might have moved. Didn’t think to ask if the seroma might have caused it because I was in a chemo haze at the time and just wanted to go home!! I don’t see her unti June now, she doesn’t want to do anything to correct the inplant until all my treatment has finished.  I’m so looking forward to feeling normal again!!

Sorry that yours became infected :confused:  I’ve heard that can happen when it’s been drained which is why I’m not keen at the moment, but also I’ve heard others who have been absolutely fine with having them drained.

Are you having any further treatment after radiotherapy, or can you look forward to being treatment free soon? xxx


I’m seeing the Surgeon again on Monday. Seroma is very big again. Have put it off as long as I can but very painful now. Supposed to see radiotherapy on Tuesday and am expecting them to delay it. Have told them about the seroma but they want to see me anyway.
Beavescholar hope you feel better now.
I had such high hopes at coming close to the end of treatment and now this. Finding it hard to stay upbeat with a breast the size of half a football. Xx

Great news! It’s good to hear that despite the swelling they were able to continue with radiotherapy. That is my concern although I’m not due for that until June. Had my 3rd dose of FEC yesterday, so onto the T next. I have found reflexology really helps ease the swelling temporarily until the next chemo. I have an appointment to see a lymphoedema therapist next week as I have that mildly in my surgery side arm and I think she will look at my seroma area too which is good. Will be the same as you, manual lymphatic drainage - which I believe is gentle massage? So if I’m right, it will be one of the more pleasant procedure we’ve had to endure!
Congratulations on being a ‘cancer survivor’! It’s good to be seeing other ladies come to the end of their treatment - gets that light shining at the end of our tunnels!!
Take care xxx

Morning all, saw surgeon on Monday and had 320mls drained from seroma. Mastectomy scar was flat and ammount greatly reduced even in 1 week. Due again on Monday for another drainage but looks like I have turned the corner. Also got another planning session for rads on Friday. It was good to hear that it still went ahead with the swelling.
I will try the reflexology route, I’m at the stage of being willing to try anything to help it reduce.
Hope everyone is feeling better. xx