Seromas worsening

Hi. I had a masectony and diep reconstruction 13 days ago. After the drains came out, seromas in the diep area and new breast formed quickly, both growing quite large. My reconstruction nurse tried to drain diep site unsuccessfully and said she couldn’t do breast without sonographer and ultrasound. The plan is to try again when i have my dressings removed on wednesday. I spoke to nurse today and she said it should be okay to wait as there is no sign of infection.

Trouble is, both seromas are getting bigger, more uncomfortable and firmer. Is is okay for me to wait till wednesday? Does it matter if they are bigger? I’d estimate that the diep one is 12 inches long and 6 wide. The breast one has doubled the size of my new breast and is reaching around armpit onto back now. I was told to keep bra on for compression, but it’s so tight now.

Everything is healing well. Its just so uncomfortable. Is there anything i can do to alleviate the pressure? Feel like i might pop!

Thank you


Sounds like a bit of cart before horse. I have some seroma, but my surgeon is waiting until after ive had ultrasound to act on it.
Maybe that’s what the nurse should’ve done, so you’re not getting poked and prodded unsuccessfully.

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Hi. I had a very large seroma after my mastectomy three years ago. It was sloshing around all over the place and felt very tight. I’d done all the usual things of keeping pressure on but it made no difference at all. My BC nurse drained it three times with a huge syringe, shocking to see how much fluid came out! I never had an ultrasound for it. Eventually they gave me a Kenalog injection straight into the area and it never came back. Maybe mention this to your nurse.

Good luck x

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Thank you @Frances55 and @Concerned75. Hopefully I’ll get some help tomorrow at my appointment. It gets worse as the day goes on and by 5pm I feel like I’m going to burst. The compression pants and bras are agony to wear. X

Oh sweetheart it sounds terrible

I hope you are getting some sleep and rest

Hopefully tomorrow’s appointment will give you some answers and relief

Thinking of you xx

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All the best for tomorrow’s appointment. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi bluesatsuma

It sounds like you are experiencing a lot of discomfort from seromas which have developed after a mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction.

Wearing a compression bra as recommended by your nurse can help, however if you are finding this tight and uncomfortable, you may need to loosen it a little to relieve some of the pressure and avoid damaging your skin.

Some women find taking simple pain killers such as paracetamol or Ibuprofen can be helpful while waiting for drainage. Also, using a small cushion underneath your arm or to support it when you are laying down or sitting can help.

As the seromas are getting bigger it is good to read that you are being seen tomorrow. Whilst you are waiting for your appointment, it is important to be aware of the signs of infection, such as redness warmth or increased tenderness. If you have any of these symptoms we would suggest you contact your team or your GP as you may need to start antibiotics.

Do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information if necessary. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, If you have hearing or speech difficulties prefix our number with 18001 and the call will go through Relay UK. Our helpline has access to telephone interpreters if language translation is required.

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Breast Care Nurse

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