hello im a newby, im waiting for my results in 2 weeks i had a core biopsy yesterday, the thing im wondering is they say it is a shadow is this the same as a lump?
Hi numlock.
What they are referring to is what it looks like on the mammo or ultrasound.
I imagine you’re a bit panicky at the moment, so there are some things to mention to you.
9 out of 10 lumps referred to a breast clinic turn out to be non-malignant, benign, NOT CANCER.
“The Waiting Room” is the worst place to be. Hopefully you’ll be leaving The Waiting Room by the “All Clear” door - most people who attend a breast clinic do. But even if not, you’re in the right place for help and support.
Take a look at the Publications section of this website, there are some great leaflets you can look at. Just look at the early ones.
Get a notebook and write down any questions you might have, to make sure you don’t forget to ask them.
And post as much as you like while you’re waiting. We’ve ALL been where you are, and it’s the worst place in all of this. It gets much better once you know what’s what, but while you don’t know it’s far too easy to imagine the worst.
Hi numlock and welcome to the BCC forums
I am sure you will continue to receive support here and in addition you may find it helpful to talk through your concerns with one of our helpliners, the lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 9-2 Sat on 0808 800 6000.
Take care
hey numlock,i was in your position a few weeks ago so know exactley how you are feeling and i do agree the waiting is by far the worst as you just want to know what you are dealing with.i hope that the results are good news when you get them,fingers crossed!
Isnt waiting horrid. I was sure after my biopys that I had understood everything the doctor said, but then in the week following I mentally went over every word and found a new meaning in it.
You will have been given a number for a Breast Nurse. Give her a ring. if they are like mine then they have an answer phone and then ring you back with your notes in front of her.
It is their job to explain things and reassure us.
The doctor I saw after my biopsy was not english and a couple of points had got lost in the translation.
Anyway now you have found ths site, and if you are anything like me have read lots of posts from people much furthur down a road I hope I am not going to travel, and worry about how small our worries are. Dont be, everyone is so sympathetic because they remember how frightened and confused they were in the waiting room.
do use this forum for questions, support or just to rant if you go through the angry phase.
People on here tell me 80% of lumps/shadows/areas turn out not to be cancer, so fingers crossed
I’m hoping that because we haven’t heard from numlock that means things were all clear at the clinic. (I don’t have a brain so can’t work out 2 weeks after 25th May.) Fingers crossed.