Shooting pains and numbness

Hi willow
you are a good girl, I hardly ever bother with my exercises, but am using that arm almost normally and can now pat the back of my head quite well too. I had to nail that one for when I have rads in the future (got chemo first). Feeling quite good about not wearing a bra, even though remaining breast is quite large, but I never used to wear one unless I had to anyway. As I’m off to my gp’s tomorrow and she will probably want to listen to my chest, I’d better put one on. I have a stretchy pull over one, so will try my softie inside it. I will take it off as soon as I get home though.
Regarding rads, they won’t do those until you are properly healed. Unless you need chemo (hopefully you won’t) there is only hormones if you were er+, or herceptin if you were her2+, don’t know how long herceptin treatment goes on for but hormone will go on for about 5 years. oh joy of joys!!
LIGHT gardening - no digging, hoeing or raking, should be ok. Maybe snipping a few dead twigs off bushes, that kind of thing. You will be able to get back to the heavy manual stuff, but it will take a while. Once your wound has healed (they say on average 8 weeks after surgery) you might be able to do a little more. I’m not a keen gardener, so will take any excuse not to do too much out there. Maybe you could spend the time planning out your spring and summer bedding. Try not to lift anything heavy with your bad arm, but if you have any small pot plants…there I go, talking as if I know stuff. Just listen to your body, if it says NO, then don’t risk it. Best Wishes

pg xxx

Hi Thanks for advice, went to hospital today and saw consultant he is now putting me through for radiotherapy, just awaiting dates,neck and chest, for 3 weeks I think. I had my chemo back in June, and glad that part is over.I am now on hormone therapy with Arimidex for 5 years as you said.and am a bit on a downer at moment,was keeping pretty positive, but things get scary when you have too much thinking time!!Love willowcat xx

Good job I did my exercises, considering the position they put my arms in when I went for my Radiotherapy planning appointment, pulled a bit, but not sure if that was to do with my weird scar, which is puckered and looks ruched under my arm pit, good look!Also under my arm seems to get puffy on and off during the day, strange feeling like you have a loaf of bread tucked under there!!!What is that all about!! Willowcat xx

I’m 8 weeks after surgery, wound practically healed, seroma now very tiny, so I’m trying to get used to wearing bra and prosthesis, especially when I go to the hospital. But after a few hours of wearing it, my chest and ribs begin to ache. Also get an ache in shoulder blade on that side and upper arm muscles. I don’t want to pop any more pills though. I’m really p****d off with it.

Dear poemsgalore
it it still relatively early days for being fully back to normal. It was 3 to 4 months before I was getting used to the prosthesis and still wore puffie frequnetly. 5 months on I am now used to it but do get a bit of arm ache so plan to do more stretching. I have been a bit slack as i am back at work. I would like to go swimming soon to build up strength.
i found plenty of walking helped ease pain if it was due to other muscles getting in on the act.
take care and be gentle on yourself.

Hi all, I had my MX and ANC on 20 Feb and only had drain in for 1 night, my underarm feels quite swollen and numb still - is this normal? I keep getting twinges every now and then but not painful more uncomfortable. I had the dressing changed but they redressed for my comfort and I am afraid to take it off myself. I did look at the scar when the nurse took it off so its not the sight more if it will hurt!!! Still bit of a wuss despite everything!!! I am doing the excercises - am I being a bit optimistic about the healing process expecting too much too soon?

Hi Skippy9 - that all sounds totally normal and natural to me! I had mx with immeidate recon and ANC two years ago, and had exaclty the sesnations you are describing. A week ago i had a reduction to my good side (so 21st Feb) and I am experiencing similar sensations, which I referred to as ‘healing nips’ when I saw the clinic yesterday. The poor nerves in your chest and armpit have been totally disconbobulated and don’t quite know which way is up; now they are trying to untangle themsleves (metaphorically) and firing off signals to your brain - unfortunately they are a bit confused and the messgae might be ‘sunburn’ rather than ‘ouch’, or ‘yikes’ rather than ‘huh?’. I hope that doesn’t sound too flippnat, cos it is horrid when you first experience it, but it will soon pass. To be honest, my ANC side (and my recon) are still pretty much totally numb two years on (unlike my reduction which is hyper sensitive!) but the intenral discomfort, and odd sensations passed within a few weeks.

Hope that helps a litlte bit. Keep up the exercises - little and often, and don’t over stretch yoursslef. You will get through, the odd sensations will pass. very gentle hugs.