should i go ahead positives please

hi petitepart
i had a call last night for 21st for measure up not sure what they do then and 5th DEC for op. my only worry is Xmas is getting near and i hope i will b OK to cook dinner for the family. i just want it over. did you have one or two done and how long ago. my nurse said not taken any more lymph glands this time as was clear on 19th Oct but couldn’t those new found spots have spread. i don’t wont to cause extra work but if needs doing again want it done at same time… have a good weekend.

hi petitepart
First of all sorry it has taken me a while to write back. i almost felt i would rather have put pen to paper than use these mod things computers. i can just about look at eBay and bid… and read emails so do apologise for my English. That’s good writing to someone in Switzerland eh. Are you Swiss or English then. You asked about my diagnosis. well i am naughty wont b again i never check myself as i am a lumpy person if you know what i mean. i just dried myself in bath and felt something weird. went docs she said bestto be on the safe side have a mammogram. i did all clear so asked consultant about lump he said another cyst and would drain it. he did but felt something underneath so ordered a scan which i had again unsure so to be on the safe side he did biopsy thought glands looked OK. all this in one day… went back week later yes it was cancer invasive ductal. best do lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy did. hated hospital but went in a private room only 100 pound a day. well worth it for privacy… went back week later they found two more spots in margin so now suggest mastectomy and immediate recon i said OK. nurse said one thing i was going to have rads for a month but now wont need them have tihs t be confirmed yet though… so if no chemo and no rads i have come out hopefully quite lightly. everything done on precaution side thank god . oh the lymph glands were clear. i asked about other boob said clear on mamo i said other one was so he did MRI scan and luckily this was clear… as said b4 go for measure up on 21st nov op on 6th. i was mixed about it. now i am convinced i have got to give it a go i am just scared. i have rang re private room but wont know till day b4. so got to keep fingers x. i cant believe you stayed in hospital over Xmas poor you…how are you now adays then fit and healthy. i am not sure what drugs etc have to take after but not looking forward to that. i have been keeping myself busy Xmas shopping nearly done. i have made mince pies etc for freezer. and have gone tesco and got all Xmas buffet food for guests. you know the fancy bits you cant trust men to get… so i am ready have Xmas cards down from loft so everything is all at hand.soon be all over and done with a fuss for nothing but my kids love it and they are 21 24 and 25. they all have their own houses but live within walking distance. i am starting to have my grandson back two days a week now while my daughter works. so dont get time to think… it’s only way to keep me going at pesent and also to think of hols next year. weather here is sunny and has been last week but there is a chill in the air… i live in bedfordshire do you know it. take care.hope you understand all this. oh one q how long before you were drivinng. thaks agian have a good day