Should i have chemo?

Thanks @cherry202 it was two years later picked up on a routine ultrasound. Again no symptoms.

Yes think that sounds good and you will have done all you can.


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Sorry - been away and just saw this. I was diagnosed with lobular BC 4 years ago. ER+, HER-, no genetic markers (was tested as both my sister and my daughter have had BC). Lumpectomy, margins clear but one sentinel node had macro cells. Had full clearance. Onco said benefit from chemo would be 3%. As she was about my daughter’s age, I asked her what she would advise if I were her Mum! Taking into account my age (then 70), my domestic situation (husband has advanced COPD and is on supplementary oxygen so I’m busy), and the very high ER score, she said I’d be well protected with Anastrozole and radio. So I chose not to have chemo. I had new radio regime - 5 sessions but more Gs per session - and was fatigued for about 4/5 months after radio ended. Anastrozole has led to steady weight gain around middle but I still have normal BMI and have stabilised weight by having just 500 calories once a week. I keep fit and eat well but cholesterol now a bit high. Had awful leg aches after exercise with Atorvastatin so stopped. GP looking for better alternative for me. Insomnia is chronic, waking after 5 hrs, but I try to keep my eyes closed and I do drift off again eventually. I feel well and fit for my age (nearly 74) and having looked after my then 37 yr old daughter through chemo I know it could have been much worse. I was anxious for a couple of years after diagnosis but you do learn to accept what is. I find this site amazing - thank you everyone for sharing stories and your courage :hugs:

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